湯仁燕Tang, Jen-Yen施宜君Shih, Yi-Chun2019-08-292019-01-172019-08-292018http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G060403011E%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/92593不讓孩子「從學習中逃走」,一直是教師心中的理想藍圖。然而在現今的升學制度下,多數學生在各大大小小的評量、考試中深感學習的壓力,難以從中得到學習成長與回饋。近年來十二年國教重視核心素養能力的培養,期望能「成就每一個孩子」,而公民科的學習重視理解與判斷,同時也鼓勵學習評量上的改變,提倡多元評量的實施,使評量能用以了解學生的學習表現並回應教師的教學,提供教師後續的教學策略調整。 是以,本研究旨在透過公民科中差異化評量的設計與實施,探討差異化評量在公民科學習的過程與困境,且期望能透過差異化評量的實施,了解學生在學習態度、對評量看法的轉變。本研究採用個案研究法,針對研究對象進行課堂觀察、問卷調查、訪談,並輔以文件分析,了解個案的想法與學習進程。 根據研究結果與討論,本研究之研究結論如下: 一、差異化的評量提供學生更有彈性的評量方式,使學生在學習成果上能有所提升並提高學習信心。 二、學生的學習方式能更多元的進行學習,並能願意主動探究相關知識與內容。 三、藉由差異化評量的實施,學生能藉由評量檢視自己的學習,使評量能真正回歸教學的一環。 本研究結果,除對差異化評量設計與實施有進一步的了解外,希冀能提供相關研究或教學者參考與建議。 關鍵字:公民科、差異化評量、學習評量、促進學習的評量、評量即學習Not allowing the children to "escape from learning" has always been an ideal blueprint in the teacher's mind. However, under the present education system, most students are deeply stressed in various examinations and are difficult to derive learning growth and get the feedback. In recent years, Taiwan’s 12-Year Compulsory Education emphasizes the cultivation of core competencies, expecting “making all students more successful”. The learning of civics attaches importance to understanding and judgment.In order to understand students’ learning performance and to respond to teachers for teaching adjustments, teachers are encouraged to change the assessment of learning, and promote the implementationof multiple assessments. The study aimed at the design and implementation of differentiated assessment in civic education and tried to investigatethe process of learning of students and their predicament. The study also expected to understand students’changes of learning attitudes and their views of the assessment.To understand the idea and learning process of the case, this research used the case methodology and the data sources were from the classroom observation, the questionnaire survey, theinterviews and documents analysis. According to the findings and discussion of research, the conclusions were as follows: 1. Differentiated assessment offered students more flexible ways of assessment whichimproved student’slearning outcomes and increased confidence in learning. 2. Students’ learning was more diversified and they are willing to explorerelatedknowledge and contentactively. 3. Implementation of the differentiatedassessment makes students be able to review their learning so that assessment can be truly part of teaching. The results of this study, in addition to have a further understanding of differentiatedassessment, the researcher hoped to provide suggestions for relevant investigatorsor teachers. Keywords: Civic Education, Differentiation Assessment, Learning Assessment, Assessment for Learning, Assessment as learning.公民科差異化評量學習評量促進學習的評量評量即學習Civic EducationDifferentiation AssessmentLearning AssessmentAssessment for LearningAssessment as learning國中公民科差異化評量設計與實施之研究The Design and Implementation of Differentiated Assessment in Junior High School’s Civic Education.