林如萍Lin, Ju-Ping戴秉珊Tai, Ping-Shan2019-08-282021-02-282019-08-282019http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G0898060036%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/86804本研究旨在發展與評估適合大學生之婚前教育方案,幫助大學生增加關係知能,且使未來的關係和婚姻生活更幸福、穩定。本研究聚焦「擇偶與關係迷思」及「衝突處理方式」發展六週的實驗教學內容,採準實驗研究法,以某科技大學的96位大學生為研究對象,進行等組前、後測設計。以量化及質化的資料進行分析,量化資料以「大學生親密關係」前測、後測及延後測之問卷為主;質化資料以觀察記錄、學習單、課後訪談為主。主要研究發現如下; 一、大學生婚前教育方案,應以破除關係迷思,建立正確擇偶觀為先,並了解衝突成因,降低負向衝突頻率,學習正向衝突的處理方法,幫助學生學習解決問題與面對衝突。 二、本研究之婚前教育方案,對實驗組大學生的「正向衝突頻率」具有顯著成效,幫助學生增加溝通、討論與傾聽等正向衝突處理方式。 三、本研究之婚前教育方案學習成效,不因大學生背景差異而有影響。The purposes of the research are developing and evaluating premarital education for College Students. Premarital education may help young adults to have healthy relationships, and also have a positive influence on college student. This research is to examine changes in partner selection, relationship myth and conflict management skills by Quasi-Experimental Design and pretest post-test control group design. 96 college students have participated in 6 lessons, one lesson per week. Both quantitative and qualitative data were collected. The main findings are as follows: 1.The main aim of premarital education program is to teach college students research-based information to help them increase knowledge and skills for relationships.There are two goals featured in the premarital program, including (a) knowing of partner selection, relationship myth and (b) conflict management skills. 2.The results suggest that the premarital education program helps college student significantly increase their knowledge regarding the conflict management skills. 3.The influence of college Student's background, there is no significant difference in full dimension.大學生成年初期婚前教育婚前教育方案方案評估準實驗研究College StudentsYoung AdultPremarital EducationPremarital Education ProgramProgram EvaluationQuasi-Experimental Design大學生婚前教育方案發展與評估Program Development and Evaluation of Premarital Education for College Students