陳滿銘2014-10-272014-10-272009-12-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/14772「章法結構」是以「陰陽二元」之互動為基礎,經其「移位」、「轉位」與「包孕」之作用,而形成整體之「多 ←→ 二 ←→ 一(0)」之螺旋結構的。初看起來,它們好像只為「辭章」或「章法結構」服務,但實際上,卻可超越「辭章」、「章法結構」,提升至「普遍性存在」之高度,亦即方法論原則或系統加以確認。為此,本文特從中國古代的哲學經典《周易》與《老子》兩書裡,予以抽絲剝繭地探尋,由「潛」而「顯」地分別找出它們相關的論述,以見這方法論原則或系統之究竟。The organization of writing is based on the interaction of “Yin-Yang dualism”, which forms a “multiple←→binary←→single (zero)” spiral structure by means “shift”, “transfer” and “conceiveness”. At first sight, such structure works for the organization of writing in literary works. In fact, it goes beyond the structure and reaches higher level as a methodological principle that represents the generality. This article explores the related discourses in Chinese classics Zhou Yi and Lao Tze, and proves its effect on literary works. The author also highlights the close relationship between dualistic interaction and the organization of writing.章法結構方法論系統《周易》《老子》陰陽二元移位轉位包孕多二一(0)螺旋結構。the organization of writingmethodological systemZhou YiLao TzeYin-Yang dualismshifttransferconceivenessthe "multiplebinary and single (zero)" spiral structure論章法結構之方法論系統The Methodological System in The Organization of Writing: Sourced from Zhou Yi and Lao Tze