陳昭珍Chen, Chao-Chen郭珈伶Kuo, Chia-Ling2019-09-062020-01-302019-09-062018http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G0005594102%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/108877順應時代之變遷,文化傳承的重要性亦也引起政府企業的重視;而與文化傳承息息相關、日常生活缺一不可得莫過於飲食文化。近幾年,生機健康飲食亦在餐飲界蔚為風潮,而國人日益講究用餐品質的維持、餐廳整體設計感、行銷策略等等,則亦攸關企業能否繼續維持市場競爭性與獨特性;而傳統美食透過不斷的轉型與創新來滿足消費者多元與深層需求並確保不被市場淘汰,進而佔有一席之地。 互聯網時代的來臨,企業除了並趨爭先之外,如若能於其中脫穎而出顯然已成為企業優先重視之重點策略方向之一,憑藉此趨勢,行銷平台更加多元化,透過互聯網、品牌的塑造、延續與推廣比既往更加多元與創新,但也日趨激烈。再者,現今社會文化水平不斷提升,美學與體驗已融入於日常生活中,美學行銷與體驗行銷則成為不可或缺的重要行銷策略方向。如若能於行銷策略擬定時將行銷三構面:美學行銷、體驗行銷、數位行銷加入其中,成為主要之行銷策略方向,不但能增加消費者的購買慾,亦可增加來客率與再次消費率。 本研究之研究背景說明台灣傳統美食的改變、互聯網時代的改變、以及消費行為的改變。基於上述之研究背景,本研究之研究目的則為探討美學之體驗行銷在互聯網時代涉及哪些要素,再根據分析行銷策略要素並以P個案餐廳為實例,規劃可行之行銷策略;並以美學行銷、體驗行銷、數位行銷為行銷三構面出發,透過國內外文獻探討分析美學行銷策略之美學經濟、美學行銷、空間美學;以及體驗行銷之五種策略體驗模組-感官體驗、情感體驗、思考體驗、行動體驗、關聯體驗,採不同的體驗形式來達成行銷最大的優勢與效益;再以數位行銷產品-Facebook、Google、Line@之產品分析達到企業品牌數位行銷之效益;藉由研究方法-決策矩陣法進而擬定出個案餐廳之有效、可行之行銷決策,提出具有高度市場競爭力的全新餐飲業-傳統美食之行銷策略。With the progress of times, science and technology have been changing rapidly, the inheritance of culture has gradually aroused the attention of all enterprises. Thus, the most related culture for people is considered the food tradition. In recent years, healthy eating has also become a trend in the catering industry. Nowadays People are more and more particular about maintaining the quality of meals, the aesthetic of restaurant and marketing strategy are all the keys that whether the business can Keep ahead of the competition and uniqueness. In order to meet diverse and deep consumer demands, traditional cuisine could survive through continuous transformation and innovation to take place in the industry. With the coming of the Internet era, enterprises compete to be the best. Therefore, how to stand out among enterprises has been the priorities of enterprises, the main focus. By the virtue of this trend, more diversified marketing multi-channels in contact with the diversified market. Marketing platforms could be more diverse through the Internet, brand building, brand extension, and promotion; it is easier than ever before but increasingly competitive, by the virtue of trend. Also, aesthetics has been integrated into the lives of consumers because of the continuous improvement of the social and cultural level, companies are more and more emphasis on aesthetics in all aspects. Thus, aesthetics marketing has become an indispensable in strategy plan of marketing. If marketing strategy can be drafted in the three aspects of marketing: aesthetic marketing, experiential marketing, digital marketing to become one of the main marketing strategies, not only to increase consumers' desire to purchase but also increase the number of repeat visitors. The research background of this thesis indicates the changes of Taiwanese traditional cuisine, Internet era, and purchase behaviors. Regarding the research background mentioned, the purpose of this thesis is to discuss how aesthetics marketing and experiential marketing in this internet era are relatable to different essential factors and eventually, establish a practical marketing strategy based on the analysis of P restaurant’s marketing strategy. Also from the three perspectives of the following marketing aspects: aesthetics marketing, experiential marketing, and digital marketing, through inquiring into domestic and foreign marketing literature to analyze and discuss different aesthetics marketing strategies: Aesthetic Economy, Aesthetics Marketing, Spatial Aesthetics of Aesthetic Marketing Strategy. Adopting different experience forms to achieve the most marketing advantages and benefits through the Five Strategy Experiential Modules of Experience Marketing - Senses Experience, Emotion Experience, Thinking Experience, Action Experience, Relevance Experience. By analyzing digital marketing products such as Facebook, Google, Line@ to achieve corporate digital marketing effectiveness. Furthermore, based on the research method-decision matrix method, formulate an effective and feasible restaurant marketing decisions, put forward the new catering industry with high market competitiveness- marketing strategy of traditional cuisine.美學餐廳互聯網美學行銷體驗行銷數位行銷決策矩陣行銷策略Aesthetics restaurantinternet eraaesthetics marketingexperiential marketingdigital marketingdecision matrixline Marketing strategy互聯網時代美學餐廳體驗行銷之策略規劃探析─以P個案餐廳為實例The Strategy Analysis and Planning of Aesthetics Restaurant’s Experience Economy in the Internet Era─A Case Study of P Restaurant