卯靜儒Mao, Chin-Ju張佳琳Chang, Chia-Lin2019-08-28不公開2019-08-282017http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G0898000268%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/89700我國性別研究主要受到國外女性主義論述直接且深遠地影響,而挖掘台灣性別教育現象、問題與特色,累積生產在地的女性主義理論與實證研究,實屬重要。本研究以女性主義教育學為啟發,融合研究者自身的教學經驗,欲瞭解大學生在女性主義教室中學習性別知識之經驗、學生主體敘說及實踐改變之可能。意圖揭露學生學習之動態歷程與多元複雜之課室脈絡,理解高等教育場域性別課程之真實存在,累積更多高教課程實踐之實徵研究,反思高教性別課程的發展。 本研究探討面向聚焦於「知識學習」、「經驗敘說」與「主體建構」三大軸線,主要研究問題如下: 一、探究女性主義教室學生的知識學習,討論認識方法及影響知識學習之問題。 二、探討女性主義教室學生於關係中學習,從互動、對話及經驗敘說所產生學習上的意義。 三、探究學生在知識學習、經驗敘說之主體建構,從個人化意義及互為主體的理解中,改變與實踐行動之可能。 本研究於田野學校(化名「自由大學」)歷經一學年教授性別通識課程,從四門女性主義教室(四門課室均各為18週),透過學生學習檔案文件分析、深度訪談法及課室觀察進行研究。其中深度訪談跨班總計訪談35位研究參與者(女男比為1.5:1)。 本研究發現在大學女性主義教室裡,令學生「有感」的故事,通常是具有真誠的主體,在所營造具平等關係及安全信任之情境,引發學生自我敘說。故以生命故事與對話設計,引發參與者共感,進而呼喚出敘說。研究發現學生之敘說,有的學生聚焦在意見、觀點的不同,形成一種「說意見」的言說表現,也作為一種課室互動策略。此外,學生可能將差異經驗進入至一種詮釋學習,去理解產生同理,或進而解釋分析個人之性別處境的脈絡,從而發掘社會性別問題、看見性別權力關係,將個人與社會連結,深化自我的理解、思考知識對自我的關聯、價值及意義。從敘說進行知識學習,產生改變的動力與反思社會公平,且對學生日後經驗發展產生多元改變。學生之性別意識發展關鍵是覺知及對權力關係、個體位置性的反思,學生反思自身所處的主體位置、感受處境、建構意義則引發個人能動性。最後本研究亦提出研究與教學之省思,並說明自我揭露風險課題及課室敘說可能的侷限。Since the gender researches in Taiwan are affected deeply and directly by foreign feminist theories, it is truly important to produce the feminist theories and empirical researches which involve the pedagogical phenomenon, the educational issues and indigenous features derived from Taiwan. Therefore, this study, which is based on feminist pedagogy and the teaching experiences of the researcher as an instructor, is an empirical research on the college course to realize the reality in the feminist classroom and examine the gender course in universities. The purpose of this study is to investigate the process of knowledge learning, personal narrative and subject construction of those students in the feminist classroom. To comprehend the reality of the gender course in universities, this study exposed the multiple and complicated context in the feminist classroom. This study mainly focused on the three aspects: knowledge learning, personal narrative and subject construction. The research questions are as followed. 1. Different ways of learning are discussed to research into the process of knowledge learning of the students in the feminist classroom. 2. The study investigated how the students in the feminist classroom learned from the interactions, conversations and personal narratives among them. 3. The inquiry elicited the subject which is constructed from the knowledge learning and personal narratives of the students in the feminist classroom. From the true understanding on the basis of subject with each other, could the students possibly utilize the knowledge to create and put into practice? The field research was conducted in the general gender curriculum in a university under the name of Liberty University for one year, which included four classes, each for eighteen weeks long. The research methods included portfolio analysis, depth interview and classroom observation. As to the depth interview, thirty-five students were interviewed (the ratio of female to male is 1.5 to 1). In conclusion, the “touching” stories were told by the sincere storytellers in the classroom where members had sense of security and trust with each other, which initiates the narratives of the narrator’s life stories and the sympathy of participants and then those participants begin their narratives. When students narrated in class, some of them considered the dialogue of differences to be the differences of opinions or viewpoints. Furthermore, some viewed the differences as the differences of life experiences, and learned from others’ narratives in the classroom, which may affect their development in days to come and make all the difference. The experiences of narratives in the classroom would let students reflect on the power relationship and their situation where they are. Being aware of where they are, students are willing to start their narratives and to some extent it may initiate their motivation for learning. Lastly, this study provides the reflections on the research and teaching, and the limitations of the risk of self-disclosure and narratives in the classroom.女性主義教育學女性主義教室敘事課程高教課室研究課程經驗gender coursesfeminist classroomnarratives in the classroomgender researchcurriculum experiences大學女性主義教室裡的知識學習、經驗敘說與主體建構Knowledge─Learning, Personal Narrative and Subject Construction in my Feminist Classrooms of Higher Education