黃柏華Po-Hua Huang2014-10-272014-10-272011-06-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/15710身心障礙學生經由多元入學管道進入高中職學習之後,面對學習階段的變化,通常面臨許多學習上的困難與挑戰,需要針對個別需求進行課程與教學的調整﹒本文以一位視覺障礙個案通過的學習狀說做為討論,以個別化教育計查團隊課程決定模式為理論基礎,從整體思考課程與教學調整的方式,掌握學生身心特質與需求,使身心障礙學生能夠盡量與普通班級學生一起學習並達到良好的學習成效。Students with special need faced challenges after they entered senior high schools.They had difficulties in learning and getting adapted to school life. Therefore. Curriculum and instructions were needed to be adapted to fit their individaul needs . This paper introduced a “Decision-making model for IEP teams" which was implemented for a with visual impairement in regular classroom student. By using this model, students with special needs can learn better with general students高中職教育階段視覺障礙課程與教學調整senior high school studentvisually-impaired studentthe accommodations of curriculums and instructions高中職階段身心障礙學生課程與教學調整:以一位視障生為例Curriculum and Instruction Adaptations for a High School Student with Visual Impairment