楊文金賴廷倫2019-09-052011-8-292019-09-052011http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0891450036%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/104725科學文本具有多元的分類論述,可以圖表、過程詞甚至名詞組來體現分類,以名詞組達成的分類論述可以說是最隱晦的。名詞組的結構具有某種分類潛勢,然而先前研究指出,有些學生無法察覺其分類意圖,有些學生則過度推論,因而產生語意理解的差異。本研究旨在探究高一生對生物科名詞組的語意理解情況,先對三篇標的文本進行文本分析以瞭解生物科名詞組的類型及使用情形,再透過雙向細目表建立生物科名詞組之語意理解問卷,以瞭解學生對不同類型名詞組的語意理解及影響語意理解的因素。研究發現:(1) 生物科名詞組的修飾成份具有多元類型,不僅可為性質,更可由實體、過程、環境成份、關係和小句衍生而來;(2) 由性質衍生而來的修飾成份最容易被學生理解為修飾詞,由過程衍生而來的修飾成份則最容易被理解為分類詞,由環境成分衍生而來的修飾成分最容易導致紛歧的語意理解;(3) 深一階中心成份容易被學生理解為特定的事物,深二階中心成分則容易被理解為範疇較大的事物。一個結構簡單的名詞組,學生的語意理解卻存在差異,遑論小句和語篇,研究結果冀能為科學文本的編寫和科學教師的教學提供參考。There are multiple ways for science texts to classify things and define relations. Figures, verbs, or even nominal groups could be used as resources, and nominal groups are the most covert among all. Previous study indicates that nominal groups possess certain taxonomic potential, which some students are successful to get access to, while others fail, that is, students could develop multiple semantic comprehensions toward a nominal group. This research aims to investigate students’ semantic comprehension about nominal groups in biology texts. Text analysis is applied in order to understand the types and ratio of nominal groups in 3 target texts. A questionnaire is designed to investigate student’s semantic comprehension about biology nominal groups and the factors which might have effects on student’s comprehension. The results indicate that: (1) in addition to quality, modifiers of a nominal group could also be derived from other semantic element, entity, process, circumstance, relation, or even clause, for example; (2) modifiers derived from quality are regarded by students as epithet the most, while process as classifier, and circumstance brings the most confusing comprehensions: (3) heads with higher depth tend to be regarded as specific things, while heads with lower depth general things. Compared to a clause and a text, the structure of a nominal group is relatively simple, which could bring multiple semantic comprehensions, not to mention when students read a clause or a text.系統功能語言學分類科學文本名詞組systemic functional lingusiticstaxonomyscience textnominal group生物科名詞組的類型與高一生的語意理解-以系統功能語言學為探究角度