吳瓊洳2014-10-272014-10-271999-06-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/4854     在傳統行為主義的影響之下,教師的教學通常都只重視對學生灌輸教材內容而已。結果教師缺乏思考,將學生在教室中學習的本質變成了一種例行化的公事。在這種情況下,學科知識也成了標準化形式,因而被切割得支離破碎。而所有的學生只能學習相同的教材、接受相同的評鑑模式。教師完完全全忽略了他們每一位同學的個別生活經驗。臺灣的社會日趨多元化,社會的矛盾與衝突日益顯著,爭論性議題的討論也變成了公眾的議題。面對這樣一個社會,我們所需要的不再是一個扮演知識灌輸的教書匠而已。究竟,現代教師應扮演甚麼樣的角色呢﹖從吉諾斯對公共知識份子的論述中,筆者獲得下列幾點啟示:一、教師應是一個文化研究者教師應具有多元文化研究的能力,並盡量主動去關懷一些邊緣者學生的關懷。二、教師是一個關心社會的行動人教師應該有責任將他們在學校?堛漯壅恁B社會價值,連結到廣大社會?堛漪F治生活、道德生活之中,以關心廣大的人類事務。三、教師應是一個批判主義者教師除了關心自己是否具有批判性思考與行動的能力外,也要幫助學生獲得關於基本社會結構的批判性知識,讓學生有機會與有勇氣抵抗社會的不公平與不正義。四、教師應是一個知識的轉換者教師應該擔任一種解放性權威者的角色,以學生的生活經驗做考量,重視學生的聲音,並將過去威權似的知識予以轉化。     Under the influence of the behaviorism, the teaching of the teachers only emphasize the subject contents. The conclusion is that the teachers are lack of reflective thinking, and that the learning becomes a daily routine. In this situation, the knowledge of subjects becomes the rigid standard form, and is divided into many parts. All students learn the same contents and accept the same ways of evaluation. The teachers ignore every students' life experiences. Today the society is full of conficts, so the arguing issues are often discussed. In this situation, we need the teachers who can't only give students the rigid knowledge. We hope teachers playing some important roles. What are the roles of today's teachers﹖On the basis of Giroux; sconcepts, we can acquire some following opinions:1.The teachers should be the persons of culture study. They must own the abilities of culture study. Besides, they must do their best to take care of the minority students at school.2.The teachers should be the actors who concern the large society. They must take the responsibility to connect schooling knowledge and values with the broader society. In other words, teachers should concern the social issues, such as the public issue or the moral issue.3.The teachers should be the critics. On the one hand, the teachers themselves must have the critical competence. On the other hand, they must also help the students acquiring critical knowledge. The teachers can give students the opportunities and the courage to resist the unjust and the unequal in society.4.The teachers should be the transformative intellectuals. The teachers should play the roles of emancipatory authority. In other words, they should consider the students' life experiences and their voices. Importantly, the teachers must transform the authority knowledge into the students' knowledge.吉諾斯轉換性知識份子教師的角色解放性權威從吉諾斯公共知識份子觀論現代教師應有的角色