呂建政陳麗敏2019-08-282005-8-102019-08-282005http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G0069107012%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/88103本研究,旨在建構一套適合我國組織型露營課程領導人員之證照模式,以 做為政府與相關單位規劃與實施之參考。為了達成上述主要研究目的,選用得懷術為主要研究方法。 得懷術諮詢委員分為七組,共計三十八人,包括:童軍教育學會、戶外遊憩與環境教育學會學者、營地業者及露營活動專家、民間相關專業組織代表、童軍總會國家訓練員、教育行政與課程專家、國中小教師。 本得懷術問卷調查共分三回。於民國九十三年八月三十日著手進行,九十四年五月十日完成三回問卷調查。調查過程中某位諮詢委員因故退出,故第二回及第三回問卷僅有三十七位諮詢委員參與。本問卷調查的研究結果可歸結為三方面:戶外教育領導人員證照制度的意義與功能;組織型露營課程領導人員應具備之專業知能;組織型露營課程領導人員證照制度實施內容與配套措施。 首先,諮詢委員多認為妥善實施戶外教育領導人員證照制度,可發揮四個層面的功能,其中又以「提升戶外教育領導人員應具有品質」功能最大。 第二,就組織型露營課程領導人員證照制度的專業標準而言,諮詢委員認為申請組織型露營課程領導人員證照檢定,需大學以上學歷且修畢露營活動相關學分;在專業必備知能方面,共可分為五層面四十八項,其中又以急救知能最為重要。 第三,就組織型露營課程領導人員證照制度實施內容與配套措施而言,結論包括:有關事務辦理之權責單位及參與人員;取得證照之資格及檢定作業;證照之分級、更新及撤銷;實行將面臨的困難及配套措施。  最後,研究者根據研究結果及個人心得感想,提出對行政機關,現職戶外教育領導人員及後續研究等三方面建議。 The purpose of this research is to develop a certification scheme for organized camp leaders so as to assist government and relevant bureaus to promote a nation-wide certification system. This research applies the Delphi technique is based on a three-round questionnaire. The Delphi panel consists of respondents selected from seven interest groups, namely: 1) environmental educators and outdoor recreation educators, 2) national trainers of Scouts of China, 3) campground administrators and camp experts, 4) national scouting educators, 5) representatives from the private sector 6) education administrators and experts on curriculum design, 7) teachers from elementary schools and junior high schools. The 3-round questionnaire started on the thirtieth of August 2004 with thirty-eight respondents in the committee and ended on the tenth of May 2005. Over this period one respondent dropped out. After a detailed analysis of the collected data, this research has come to three major conclusions related to the following aspects: the purpose of establishing a national-wide certification system; the qualifications needed for certificate holders; and the implementation of the certification system and supplementary measures. Firstly, the committee reached a consensus that a national certification system for the organized outdoor recreation leaders can serve several functions. A well-designed certification system in this field has four functions, among which the committee agrees that ‘improvement of overall quality in the profession’ should be stated as the most significant one. Secondly, the study has drafted a set of requirements that certificate holders need to meet. Apart from a university degree, certificate holders need to obtain credits in related fields. In terms of professional knowledge, the study covers five different aspects that are sub-divided into forty-eight items. The most important professional skill is first aid. Thirdly, the content and supplementary measures for the certification system are also proposed in this study. Issues regarding authorities and personnel in charge of issuing the certificates, acquirement of the certificate and the testing process, classification of the certificate, certificate replacement as well as cancellation of the certificate, and the perceived difficulties of the implementation are all included. The results of this study may be of great assistance for the establishment of a nation-wide certification system for organized camp leaders.戶外教育組織型露營戶外教育領導人員組織型露營課程領導人員得懷術證照制度組織型露營課程領導人員證照制度之研究