林幸台Lin Hsin-Tai吳君瑋Wu Chun-Wei2019-08-282011-7-272019-08-282011http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0696090091%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/91852本研究旨在了解高職綜合職能科學生自我概念與障礙覺察。研究工具為「高職綜合職能科學生自我概念與障礙覺察量表」,針對台北市公立高職163位綜合職能科學生進行小組施測。資料採描述統計、t考驗、單因子變異數分析、Sheffe法事後比較、積差相關、簡單與逐步多元迴歸分析、典型相關方式進行分析。根據施測結果,有如下之發現: 1. 綜合職能科學生對自我具有良好的悅納與評價,且自我滿意程度最高,其次有高自我效能,自覺社會適應情形最弱。 2. 綜合職能科學生對障礙覺察到的羞恥感受程度屬中間偏少,其自我污名程度不高,亦未明顯抗拒對障礙的自我表露;且儘管較為厭惡他人所加諸的社會污名,但不見得會將之內化成自我污名。 3. 綜合職能科學生的自我概念與障礙覺察,與性別、年級、障礙程度、國中教育安置場域、職場實習與相關工讀經驗之個人背景變項並無明顯關聯。 4. 綜合職能科學生對障礙自我表露越形抗拒者,其自我效能與自我概念反而較高。此外,對障礙越自覺羞恥且自我污名愈盛者,越不利其自我概念發展,其自我效能、社會適應情形與自我滿意程度亦會隨之低落。 5. 綜合職能科學生自我概念組態與一般人不同,分化程度未若一般人複雜。 6. 施測與作答方式的調整,有利於心智障礙者應答。 針對研究發現與結果,對未來教學上與研究上,提出具體建議。 關鍵字:高職綜合職能科、心智障礙、自我概念、障礙覺察、羞恥感、 污名The purpose of this study was to investigate self concept and disability awareness of students with intellectual disabilities in special class in vocational high school. The adapted “The Self Concept and Disability Awareness Scale for students with intellectual disabilities in vocational high school” was administered in small group to 163 vocational high school students with mild and moderate intellectual disabilities in Taipei. The data was analyzed with descriptive statistics, t-test, one-way ANOVA, sheffe post hoc comparison, Pearson correlation, simple and stepwise multiple regression and canonical correlation. Results showed that: 1. Students with intellectual disabilities in special class in vocational high school had positive perception toward themselves. They felt quite satisfied with themselves and had high self efficacy, however, they felt less positive of their social adjustment. 2. Students with intellectual disabilities in special class in vocational high school felt less ashamed of their disabilities neither did they have much self-stigma, nor showing obvious resistance from self-disclosure of their disabilities. Even though they disliked the public stigma others imposed on them, they wouldn’t internalize them as self-stigma. 3. There were no significant differences among different personal background variables, including gender, grades, severity of disability, type of former educational placement, practicum and part-time experiences. 4. Students with intellectual disabilities in special class in vocational high school who had more resistance from self-disclosure of their disabilities, their self-efficacy and self concept were more positive. Furthermore, the more they felt ashamed of their disabilities and the more self-stigma they had, the more unfavorable to their self concept, i.e., their self-efficacy, social adjustment and self satisfaction were getting lower. 5. The construct of self concept of students with intellectual disabilities in special class in vocational high school differentiated from their peers in regular class. 6. The modification of content and response style of measurement scale could improve students’ response. According to the findings and conclusions, suggestions were proposed for educational practices and further research. Keywords:special class in vocational high school, intellectual disabilities, self concept, disability awareness, stigma.高職綜合職能科心智障礙自我概念障礙覺察羞恥感污名special class in vocational high schoolintellectual disabilitiesself conceptdisability awarenessstigmastigma高職綜合職能科學生自我概念、障礙覺察與相關因素研究Self Concept and Disability Awareness of Students with Intellectual Disabilities in Special Class in Vocational High School