林靜萍Lin Jing-Ping張祐慈Chang Yu-Chih2019-09-052010-7-202019-09-052010http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0695300592%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/105715本研究旨在探討我國優秀女子桌球選手的生涯發展相關議題,藉由瞭解不同年代和不同職業之選手生涯發展歷程、生涯規劃和生涯轉換,以發現隨年代和社會脈絡的不同桌球選手整體生涯發展的差異。以深度訪談法針對七名不同年齡目前任職於各領域之優秀女子桌球國手進行研究。研究結果發現:在生涯發展歷程方面,從研究參與者的啟蒙、重要他人一路上的支持至參與運動的種種經驗,皆顯示桌球運動的特殊性及個人經驗的不可替代性,且具有啟發的意義。生涯規劃方面,影響研究參與者生涯規劃的因素有企業贊助、大學的選擇和個人其它因素,但大部分研究參與者於選手時期皆未做其完整的生涯的規劃。生涯轉換方面,轉換的時機與因素有對比賽產生倦怠、面臨畢業和經濟的問題以及年齡的限制,且轉換後不同職業所面對的生活與適應亦有很大的差異。而年代的不同其學歷與職業發展是為最大差異之處,且互相影響。This research aims to discuss some relevant issues regarding the career development of excellent female table tennis players. By understanding their career planning, development and transition of these professional players whose age, backgrounds and professions are different, we can discover what affects the career development on these table tennis players, such as the social atmosphere and different periods of time. The seven interviewees are all from different generations and have different jobs. This qualitative research adopts depth interviews to collect data. After analyzing the collected data, the following are the conclusions. Regarding career development, the interviewees’early education, their support from important persons and experiences from many competitions all demonstrate the uniqueness of table tennis. These personal experiences mean a lot to the players and are valuable to their career development. As for the career planning, what affects their career planning is corporate companies’ financial support, the college they go to and personal issues. The research finds out most interviewees didn’t do any complete career planning during the days of their being professional players. As for career transition, the timing of change results from fatigue from competitions, economic problems, the age limit or graduation from school. Their adaptation to different jobs and lifestyles also show great differences. And different periods of time affects one’s educational backgrounds and career development.生涯發展歷程生涯規劃生涯轉換career developmentcareer planningcareer transition優秀女子桌球選手生涯發展之質性研究Research of the career development of excellent female table tennis players