侯雅齡Ya-Ling Hou2016-05-042016-05-042009-11-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/78032本研究採取縱貫研究的方式,探討幼兒在參與動手做科學活動歷程,其心流經驗的變化。由於目前多數的縱貫研究採取重複量數的ANOVA或MANOVA來分析資料,但這些統計方式並無法提供個體改變軌線,也無法進行與變化軌線關連因素的探討,因此本研究使用潛在成長模式(latent growth curve model,簡稱LGM)進行資料分析,來瞭解心流經驗的變化情形;並以性別、玩性、科學喜好、圖書量與科學活動等變項作高階預測變項,進行多階層LGM分析,以瞭解上述變項與心流經驗的關係。研究結果顯示:(1)研究者提出之潛在直線成長模式與觀察資料的整體適配度理想,TLI為.977、IFI為.967、CFI為.967、SRMR則為.031。(2)幼兒的心流經驗隨活動參與時間增加呈現顯著的正向變化(3)性別、科學喜好、圖書量與科學活動安排皆對幼兒的心流經驗有顯著預測力,所能解釋的變異介於3%至8%之間。(4)幼兒玩性對心流經驗亦有顯著的預測力,其解釋量高達45.2%。The purpose of this study was to investigate the longitudinal trends in preschool children's flow experience in hands-on science activities. Such longitudinal data have usually been analyzed by repeated-measure ANOVA or MANOVA. However, these traditional analytic approaches provide little insight into growth at the individual level. The latent growth curve model (LGM) can describe individuals' behavior in terms of initial levels and their developmental trajectories from those levels. This study applied the LGM to analyze longitudinal data. Results revealed a clear increase in the overall flow experience across all preschool children. Gender, favorite science and resources were found to be significantly related to this flow experience; these four factors accounted for 3%-8% of the total variance. Children's playfulness was also significantly related to the flow experience, accounting for 45.2% of the total variance.心流縱貫研究潛在成長模式動手做科學幼兒flow experiencelongitudinal studylatent growth curve model LGMhands-onscience幼兒在動手做科學活動歷程之心流研究:以潛在成長模式進行分析A Longitudinal Study of Preschool Children's Flow Experience in Hands-on Science Activities: The Analysis of Latent Growth Curve Model