黃城Huang, Cheng呂金玲Lu ,Jin-Ling2019-08-282019-01-182019-08-282016http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G0894100096%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/85461教育是國民素質的指標,教育培育人才,人才決定國家的未來,是以教育為立國的根本要務,也是推動社會進步和改革的動力。國家的強盛與否,常決定於國家教育政策的適切性和落實與否。 我國目前正面臨「少子化」衝擊,加上私立學校廣設,十二年國教政策正式實施後,形成了許多的教育問題,讓原本存在公私立學校間教育資源分配問題更顯嚴重,本論文之研究是探討如何在十二年國教政策全面實施後,提升學生就學品質,保障學生教育選擇權,使公私立教育資源更公平,其次,探討是否應該建立公私立學校競爭績效制度,以獎勵優良的辦學學校,換言之,本論文研究如何透過十二年國教之實施讓中小學教育教學正常化,各學校建立學校特色外,探討是否未來我們的教育應該朝向教育自由化和教育市場化,並讓公私立學校建立競爭績效的制度,以確保教育的品質。The policy of 12-year Compulsory Education formally implemented in Taiwan in the 103rd year of the "Republic Era". Although the policy confronts a great deal of continuous controversy, it would enhance the studying quality at school, guarantee students’ right to choose education, even make parents’ sources at public and private schools fairer, and furthermore make us think about how to ensure students’ educa-tional quality after 12-year Compulsory Education be implemented on the whole. In other words, by means of the implement of 12-year Compulsory Education policy, we expect it could normalize the education in elementary schools, make each school individually develop its own characteristic, achieve to upgrade the competitive effects of public and private schools, and aim to reward excellent schools. Firstly, the dissertation is focused on the understanding of the background and content of the im-plement of 12-year Compulsory Education Policy.十二年國民教育政策教育品質教育選擇權教學正常化A study 12-year Compulsory Educational policyeducational quailitynormalize the educationright to choose education我國十二年國民教育政策執行之研究A study on 12-year Compulsory Educational performance in Taiwan