林育瑋張召雅2019-08-282011-8-302019-08-282011http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0891060049%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/87157本研究者憧憬實踐社群之社群學習型態,因此以行動研究方式,從本研究者擔任指導教師之幼保系友會中邀請夥伴組成核心成員,核心成員多為資深園所長或主管。期能促發社群夥伴協力關係,以能共同領導,因此共同決定以行動讀書會展開實踐社群之互動,並開放給有興趣之系友參與。 社群運作策略包括:讀書會中閱讀行動實踐或經營管理書籍、腦力激盪園所行動點子庫、提問省思、行動方案計畫等,以促動成員於其實務現場展開行動,並以具情意互動之事物與活動,增進融入社群之自在感與信任感;另設置論壇網區,提供交流省思。社群成員之流失與個人需求、認同感、價值觀不同有關。 本讀書會過程具有豐富的同儕分享,包括:教保實務策略與做法、對閱讀內容之省思對話、情感記憶或生命經驗;惟於實務現場之行動,由於成員書寫與e化能力有限,網區難以運作;且教保現場忙碌與變動性高等因素,夥伴很難累積省思歷程來呈現行動的深度。 其間社群成員遇到不少個人與環境之難題,本研究者扮演夥伴關懷、社群服務、提問省思、闡釋關鍵知識、激勵行動等多元角色。本社群運作兩年多,仍在持續中,個人實務增能與專業省思有關;且隨社群節奏注入核心價值,更可建立共同願景、發揮共同行動力。Longing for the learning style of community of practice, the researcher invitedcore members from the alumni association in the Department of Early Childhood Education and Care, Minghsin University of Science and Technology, who are mainly experienced heads of kindergartens or day care centers. This study adopted action research method in order to develop cooperative relationship of members as co-leaders in the community of practice. By co-decision, the members started the interaction of community of practice in the way of action reading group and they were open to anyone who was interested. The strategies of operating the community included: reading books about action practice or management, brainstorming action ideas for the kindergartens and day care centers, asking questions to stimulate reflection, and proposing action projects which could help members to take actions at their work sites. There were affective activities to improve the feeling of comfort and trust in the community. In addition, an internet forum was built for members to exchange mutual reflection. Any loss of members in the community was due to different individual needs, identity and value. The abundant sharing from members in the process of the reading group included: the practical strategies and methods in the field of early childhood education and care, the reflective dialogues about reading contents, and the affective memories or life experience. The difficulty in the process included: the internet forum was hard to maintain because the members were limited in skill in writing on internet; and the companions were not easy to show the depth in reflective process of action because of their busyness at work sites. The members of the community met a lot of difficulties from their environments during the study period. The researcher played multiple roles as companion’s caregiver, community service provider, key knowledge interpreter and action inspirer. The community has being operated for more than two years and is still running. The empowerment of individual practice was related to professional reflection. Following the rhythm of the community, the core value was infused to build up common vision and enhance the action power.實踐社群社群領導者專業成長省思行動研究community of practicethe leader of communityprofessional developmentreflectionaction research運用實踐社群於教保場域之行動研究An Action Research on Applying Community of Practice in the Field of Early Childhlood Education and Care