王國欽Wang, Kuo-Ching林宛㲆Lin, Wan-ling2019-09-05不公開2019-09-052016http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G060331034A%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/107319近年來臺灣師範大學致力於創新、打造「師大」品牌,並發行許多師大紀念商品,種類眾多,唯獨沒有「食品紀念品」。而美食一直都是觀光發展的重要因素之一,因此,觀光休閒業者也紛紛看好這個市場,期望美食相關產品創造出驚人的經濟效益,各種類型之休閒伴手禮商品也應運而生。因此,本研究將以企業識別系統導入,將師大視為一個企業,融合創意與師大理念設計師大食品伴手禮,透過文獻蒐集與深度訪談法,進行5場深度訪談以及3場焦點團體訪談,共20位受訪者。使用內容分析法歸納出師大意象作為設計伴手禮的元素,研究結果發現,無論是師大教職員、學生皆將紅磚色、師資培育視為學校的最大特色,根據此結果研究者設計兩款食品伴手禮,本研究結果除了針對企業識別系統中較少觸及的食品類型給予學術貢獻外,實務上則能提供師大甚至其他學校作為學校設計食品伴手禮的參考。For the past few years, National Taiwan Normal University(NTNU) is eager to establish the brand of NTNU by having different kinds of souvenirs. While there are various campus souvenirs issued, there is no food souvenir in NTNU. However, gourmet is always one of the important factors to tourism development. The tourism industry is looking forward to this market, and hope that people can make grand profit by selling food souvenir. Therefore, this study used Corporate Identity System to make NTNU as a company, and blend creativity with campus image to make food souvenir of NTNU. The research collected past literatures and used in-depth interview to generalize the image of NTNU. Then the researcher used the image to design and make the food souvenir as real. The study shows that not only the faculty but also students of NTNU recognize brick red color and the incubation of educators are the biggest characteristics of the campus. Thus, there are two different kinds of food souvenir designed and made by researcher according to the characteristics above. This study not only gives a new sight of CIS in the food souvenir, but also provides new ideas for NTNU or even other schools to design their souvenirs.師大CIS伴手禮National Taiwan Normal UniversityCorporate IdentitySouvenir師大典藏巡「禮」:導入企業識別系統設計師大伴手禮Food Souvenir of National Taiwan Normal University:Importing Corporate Identity System to design