陳伯璋甄曉蘭Chen, Bo-ZhangChen, Hsiao-Lan陳昇飛Chen, Shen-Fei2019-08-282005-07-282019-08-282005http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G0088900005%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/89467本研究旨在探討社會建構主義在國小語文教學上的應用情形,以及學童的語文知識建構歷程。研究者特別關注的焦點有二:首先,教師如何從對話中釐清社會建構主義的內涵,同時從知識與經驗的分享過程中,促進教師採取有利於建構學習的教學措施。其次,學童在社會互動教學環境下,其在閱讀理解與知識建構上的歷程與特質。 本研究採用質性研究設計,分為兩個實施階段。在階段一,研究者籌組語文科教學研究小組,有四位教師參與討論,期望能將社會建構學習的理念應用於他們的語文科教學。階段二以教室觀察為主,目的在蒐集學童語文學習的歷程與特質,觀察對象為小組成員之一邱老師的任教班級。同時,為了能建立理想的社會互動學習情境,研究者與教學者是以共同合作探究的方式,進行彼此的教學觀摩以及觀察後的討論反思。最後,透過言談分析的方法展現學童在語文知識上的心智建構歷程。 整體而言,本研究可從兩大層面來歸納研究發現:其一是參與教師們在孕育社會建構取向教學的歷程與心境轉變。參與教師透過語文教學小組的討論,逐漸體會出學童的主體性是學習的關鍵角色,對於建構學習的精神感到認同,並願意在教學上嘗試改變。其二則是學童的語文能力的發展,包括閱讀理解歷程與特質、語文知識的建構與人際互動脈絡的功能角色等。本研究的結論為: 一、教師參與社會互動教學的探討有益於教學觀的轉變 二、教師嘗試社會互動教學的各種具體措施改善了學童的語文學習與能力 三、結合情境脈絡與生活經驗的言談環境有助於學童閱讀理解能力的提升 四、學童語文知識建構的途徑包括模仿、推論與重組 五、社會互動有益於增進學童的語言表達功能與創作表現 六、人際互動的社會脈絡有助於學童的學習與認知思維 七、教師積極投入社會互動教學促進了教學專業的成長 八、社會互動教學能改善傳統教學的缺失但並不能取代之The main purpose of this study was to explore the practice of social constructivist perspectives in an elementary Language Art classroom and the process of knowledge construction of children. The following two aspects are the major concerns of this study: firstly, how teachers grasp the social constructivist approach and how they adjust their way of language teaching; secondly, in a social interaction learning contexts how students construct their understanding and knowledge of Chinese language. This study was a qualitative research design. In stage Ⅰ: The researcher organized a teaching team for pedagogical dialogues which aimed at clarifying and applying the social constructist pedagogic approach through dialogues. In stage Ⅱ: Classroom observation and co-operative inquiry were conducted to collect data for the understanding of students’ knowledge construction. In addition, the research applied discourses analysis to show the process of knowledge construction. The findings of this study are as follows: 1.It is useful for teachers to change their pedagogic perspective through team efforts and group discussions. 2.Teachers who took efforts to advance social interaction based teaching would promote students’ learning in Language Art. 3.Linking learning contexts with life experiences for classroom discourses could improve students’ reading comprehension. 4.The ways students used to construct their language knowledge include modeling, reasoning, and reconstructing. 5.Social interactions are helpful to students’ creative language expressions. 6.Social interaction based learning context is beneficial for students’ learning and cognitive development. 7.Teachers’ involvement in social interaction based teaching would advance their professional development. 8.Social interaction based teaching improve the flows of traditional teaching approach but it could not replace all other teaching methods.社會建構主義社會互動語文教學言談分析維高斯基social constructivistsocial interactionsLanguage Art teachingdiscourse analysisVygotsky社會建構主義在國小語文教學之實踐─社會互動教學與語文能力建構歷程之研究The pedagogical implementation of a social constructivist approach in an elementary Language Art classroom─An exploration of social interaction based teaching and the knowledge construction ofChinese language