林玫君李鴻鈞Lin, Mei-ChunLee, Hung-Chung王鼎彥Wang, Ding-Yan2024-12-172024-08-192024https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/f3f9728941a6dc9c06e44c108aff19ea/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/1239702019年的新冠疫情重塑了當代的飲食文化,電子支付和外送平臺的興起更是改變了消費者的餐飲習慣,在這樣的背景下,本文探討便當業者在後疫情時代的轉型策略,並出三個研究目的:第一、探討精緻便當在餐飲數位化之路上的發展;第二、探討中央廚房在精緻便當上的應用;第三、開闢精緻便當的新藍海。此外,本研究訪談七位餐飲業的資深專業人士,藉由這他們的實務見解,深入考察精緻便當業未來發展的轉型及挑戰。本研究結果發現:一、數位化轉型是維持精緻便當店競爭優勢的重要方法,也是與傳統便當店的主要差異所在;二、中央廚房對於精緻便當店的營運具有多重好處,但建置成本較為高昂、法律規定較為嚴格,也是精緻便當店業者在成本預算上,必須仔細評估的現實因素;三、具體指出精緻便當的各種藍海策略,包括數位化的經營模式以及採用「微型中央廚房」。The COVID-19 epidemic in 2019 has intensified contemporary food culture, and the rise of electronic payment and delivery platforms has changed consumers’ dining habits. Based on this background, this article explores the transformation strategies of bento (boxed lunch) industry in the post-epidemic era, and sets out three research purposes. First, to discuss the development of ‘exquisite bento’ on the road to digitalization of catering industry. Second, to discuss the application of central kitchen in the industry of exquisite bento. Third, Third, to explore new ‘Blue Ocean’ strategies of the industry of exquisite bento. The results of this study found that: First, Digital transformation is an important method to maintain the competitive advantage of exquisite convenience stores, and it is also the main difference from ‘traditional bento.’ Second, central kitchens have multiple benefits for the operation of exquisite bento shops, but the construction cost is relatively high and the legal regulations are strict. These are also practical factors that exquisite bento shop operators must carefully evaluate in terms of cost budgets. Third, this article specifically points out the various ‘Blue Ocean’ strategies for exquisite bento industry, such as digital business and micro central kitchens.便當數位轉型中央廚房餐飲業經營模式bentodigital transformationcentral kitchencatering industrybusiness model後疫情時代精緻便當店藍海策略探析-從傳統到數位的破蛹羽化Analysis of the Blue Ocean Strategy for Gourmet Bento Shops in the Post-Pandemic Era: From Traditional to Digital Transformation學術論文