國立臺灣師範大學英語學系黃涵榆2015-03-312015-03-312014-06-011018-3914http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/44940本論文視「不死」為生命政治之根本情境。論文第一部分針對現代政治神學與政體、以及當代生命政治的脈絡裡的「不死」進行批判性考究。接著檢視精神分析裡各種不死的化身,例如「超我」、「鄰人」與「死亡驅力」,以及透過這些概念所理解的生命必然早已負傷,不脫生命政治掌控。接著將援引拉岡的「學院陣式」,試圖拆解官僚知識體系、剩餘快感與當代不斷引發風險、不確定性與焦慮的生命政治情境之間的糾葛。論文最後一部分將提出不死如何之為基進政治場域的可能視角。本論文企圖形塑的不是當代生命政治的存活策略,而是根植於精神分析理論觀點的騷動或革命主體與共群。This paper takes the undead as the fundamental condition of biopolitics. The firstpart offers a critical survey on the undead in the context of modern political theologyand the body politic and contemporary biopolitics. Then, I will examine the avatars ofthe undead in psychoanalysis, such as the superego, the Neighbor, and the death drive,and how life conceptualized through them always already receives wounds and,therefore, is densely biopolitical. Then, in light of Žižek’s elucidation, I will applyLacan’s “University discourse” to disentangle the complication of bureaucraticknowledge, surplus-enjoyment and contemporary uncertain, risky, anxiety-provokingcapitalist biopolitical conditions. The last part of this paper proposes some ways tolook at the undead as a potential, albeit ambiguous and indeterminate, site of radicalpossibilities. What I aim at is not so much any survival kit for contemporary biopolitics as some psychoanalytic views on radical politics that is grounded in insurrectional,revolutionary subjectivity and community.裸命生命政治死亡驅力極爽不死學院陣式傷口Bare lifeBiopoliticsDeath driveJouissanceUndeadUniversity discourseWounds“The Wound Is Healed Only by the Spear That Smote You”The Undead, Biopolitics and Psychoanalysis