闕月清Advisor: Keh Nyit Chin, Ph.D郭竹梅Kuo, Chu-Mei2019-09-052018-7-42019-09-052013http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0599303123%22.&%22.id.&amp;http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/105484本研究旨在探討互惠式教學對情意、技能、認知在教學前後的差異情形。具體的目為探討一、高中學生在互惠式游泳教學活動情意方面的學習成效。二、高中學生在互惠式游泳教學活動技能方面的學習效成。三、高中學生在互惠式游泳教學活動認知方面的學習成效。研究方法:採行動研究方式進行。以臺北市立某完全中學高中部三年級學生共34名(女生11名、男生23名)為研究對象。教學設計共5週,每週2節課,共10節課,並在教學前、後實施測驗。本研究透過學習態度量表與游泳技能、認知測驗所蒐集所得之量化資料,採相依樣本t考驗分析加以處理; 以開放性學習後問卷蒐集質性資料,並以內容分析法加以整理。研究結果:(一)、高中學生蛙式游泳學習成效,在互惠式教學後,對情意方面的表現有顯著差異(t= -4.70,p<.05)。二、高中學生蛙式游泳學習成效,在互惠式教學後,對技能方面的表現有顯著差異(t=-8.49,p <.05)。三、高中學生蛙式游泳學習成效,在互惠式教學後,對認知方面的表現有顯著差異(t= -12.25,p <.05)。結論為高中學生蛙式游泳學習成效,在互惠式教學後,對情意、技能、認知方面的表現均有明顯進步。建議教師在教學設計上可選取多種教學形式,選組的原則可採自由方式,亦可輪轉配組。未來研究方面可從增加班級數著手,或以不同年級、性別做比較,並增長研究教學的時間。The purpose of this study was to investigate the learning effects of reciprocal teaching style on the aspects of affective, skill and cognitive. The specific objectives were to examine(1)the affective learning effect of reciprocal breaststroke teaching style on high school students;(2)the skill learning effect of reciprocal breaststroke teaching style on high school students;(3)the cognitive learning effect of reciprocal breaststroke teaching style on high school students. This study adopted the action research approach. The participants were thirty-four 12th grade students from a public high school, including 11 females and 23 males. The swimming teaching lasted for 5 weeks, 2 sessions per week and a total 10 sessions. Pre- and posttests were conducted. Learning Attitudes Scale, swimming skill and cognitive tests were used to collect quantitative data. These data were analyzed by paired-samples t-test. The qualitative data were collected from the open-ended questionnaire after the 8th lesson and analyzed by content analysis. Results indicated that: (1) There were significant difference on the aspect of affective learning effects after Mosston Reciprocal Teaching Style (t=-4.70,p<.05). (2) There were significant difference on the aspect of skill learning effects after Mosston Reciprocal Teaching Style (t=-8.49,p <.05). (3) There were significant difference on the aspect of affective learning effects after Mosston Reciprocal Teaching Style (t=-12.25,p <.05). It was concluded that after implementation of the breaststroke swimming program designed using Mosston Reciprocal Teaching Style, the learning effects of high school students showed improvement on the aspects of affective, skill and cognitive. Suggestions: (1) Teachers may choose more than one teaching style for teaching design, and students can choose group on will or rotate. (2) Future research may consider increasing the number of class, the length of teaching time or comparing different grade and gender.互惠式教學蛙式游泳學習成效行動研究Reciprocal Teaching StyleBreaststrokeLearning EffectAction researchMosston互惠式教學形式應用在高中生蛙式游泳之學習成效The Learning Effects of Mosston Reciprocal Teaching Style on Senior High School Students’ Swimming