王琡棻盧台華Shu-Fen WangTai-Hwa Emily Lu2014-10-272014-10-272013-09-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/14382本研究目的在了解國小資優學生資優行為特質的表現現況與不同性別在資優行為特質展現的差異情形。研究工具係採用吳昆壽、梁仲容與蘇麗雲(2006)編製之「資優行為觀察量表」教師評定版,針對高雄市國小一般智能資優資源班709位學生進行調查。本研究發現,教師認為國小資優學生以快速學習表現較佳,風趣幽默表現較弱。且國小資優女生在語文表達、分析性思考、正向動機、敏感性、人際互動與情緒表達等6個分量表的表現優於男生。The main purposes of this research were to investigate the gifted behaviors of gifted students in elementary schools and to examine the gender differences. The Observation Scale for Gifted Behavior for primary school students, indicating good reliability and validity, was adopted as the research tool. Subjects were 709 elementary school students in Kaohsiung city. The results of this research were stated as follows: 1. The gifted students had positive performances in the Observation Scale. 2. The gifted girls had significantly better performances than gifted boys in “language expressiveness”, “analytical thinking”, “positive motivation”, “sensitivity”, “interpersonal communication”, and “emotional expressiveness”.資優行為國小資優生gifted behaviorgifted students in elementary school國小資優生資優行為特質之調查研究Gifted Behavior of Gifted Students in Elementary Schools