孫愛光蔡靜穎Tsai, Ching-Ying2022-06-082021-02-212022-06-082021https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/13c78a5eb29384d90f513a2d16e5e03e/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/116831兒童是未來的主人翁,透過學習經典的音樂曲目,在重複地排練下,將音樂的圖像、能量與精髓,淺移默化地注入於兒童的心靈裡,其影響力是難以計數的。 在華德福的教育系統中非常重視音樂,圖象式思考的教學來建構理解力,而韓德爾的神劇《彌賽亞》作品裡,擁有大量的使用音畫的手法,讓戲劇的力量,與音樂的旋律、和聲及歌詞的意境相結合,進而深入人心。故選取第一部分中的管樂序曲,兩首宣敘調與朗誦調的獨唱,兩首賦格、和聲式與花腔的合唱曲,因應演出者的程度來改編了樂團樂器的編制,並考量如何編排童聲與變聲期的合唱聲部,藉此將指揮技巧之研究,實行獨唱、合唱及樂團的排練技巧,音樂會場地的規劃等,相互融合。待整合所有過程後,於臺中市私立磊川華德福實驗教育學校十周年的校慶中演出,以此做為學習研究。Children are the masters of the future. By learning classical standards and rehearsing repeatedly, the image, energy and essence of music are subtly injected into children's minds. The influence is incalculable. In Waldorf's education system, music is very important. Image-based thinking teaching method to build comprehension. And Handel's divine oratorio "Messiah" uses a great deal of word- painting skill to combine the power of drama in the artistic conception of music, harmony and texts, and deeply embedded in one’s heart. Therefore, I selected the overture, two recitative and aria, and two choruses that include fugue, harmony and cadenza, so as to conductresearch on conducting techniques to implement in the solo, chorus and orchestra rehearsals. In order to integrate conducting techniques and concert planning logistics, the choir performed at the 10th anniversary celebration of the private Leichuan Waldorf School in Taichung City to conclude this study and research project.韓德爾神劇彌賽亞合唱指揮合唱教學研究華德福音樂教育HandeloratorioMessiahchorus conductorChorus TrainingWaldorf Music Education兒童暨少年合唱團之指揮應用與教學研究以韓德爾《彌賽亞》六首選曲為範例The Application and Research of Conducting and Training Children and Youth Choirs Six Pieces selected from Handel’s Messiah學術論文