曲兆祥Paul Chao-Hsiang Chu Ph.D.江昇鴻Sheng-hong Chiang2019-08-282008-8-192019-08-282008http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0695100112%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/856722008年的總統大選,完成我國第二次政黨輪替。本文研究對象為2008年總統大選候選人官方競選網站,就候選人使用網路傳遞的訊息內容,比較藍綠兩陣營議題設定的差異;並探討閱聽人在接收訊息後,對他們投票傾向之影響。議題設定的研究方法,包含了傳播訊息研究,以及閱聽人的研究。本文在候選人傳播訊息部分採用內容分析法,而選民部分採用焦點團體的研究。 內容分析部份研究發現:一、兩陣營議題設定之主題相似。二、競選行程中是候選人最常進行議題設定的時機。三、「馬英九」是兩陣營議題設定的主角。四、議題設定的方向以正面為主。五、面對議題,謝長廷選擇親上火線、馬英九常由幕僚代打。六、北部地區是候選人議題設定的重鎮。七、謝陣營掌有議題攻擊的主導權。八、候選人偏好使用「堆牌法」的宣傳策略。 在選民焦點團體訪談部分,本研究主要發現歸納如下:焦點團體成員對於當今我們所面臨的最重要問題見解不同,但成員大致認為競選網站的議題,就是這次選戰的主軸。成員在選前都已有支持的候選人,並認為網站訊息不會改變其對政治的認知態度,322當天將手中神聖的一票,投給原先支持的候選人。選人網站不是影響他們投票的重要因素。Two-turnover test happened in 2008 R.O.C. presidential election. This paper mainly focuses on the candidates’ websites about this campaign. We discuss how the candidates transmit political messages with the internet, and whether the messages would influence the users’ voting behavior or not. The research methods of this agenda setting include Content analysis and Focus groups. The major findings of focus groups summarized as follows: What is the most importrant question nowadays which we face? The focus group members had different opinions. But the members approximately thought the subjects of candidates’ websites were the main idea of this campaign. Before the polling day, The members all had their ideal candidates, and the messages on the websites cannot change their political cognitions. The polling day on March 22, 2008, the members voted for the candidate who they originally supported. The candidate’s websites were not an important factor which affected them to vote. The major findings of content analysis summarized as follows: 1.The subjects of Ma Ying-Jeou’s website was similar to Frank Hsieh’s. 2. During campaign journey, the candidates seized the occasion to do agenda setting. 3. Ma Ying-Jeou played the leader in the agenda setting. 4.The agenda setting of the websites were positive. 5.Frank Shieh usually attended to the issues by himself but Ma by his staffs. 6.The most important area of agenda setting focused on the Notrthen Taiwan. 7.Hsieh controlled the issues. 8.Candidates preferred to use the card stacking diplomacy.政治傳播選舉議題設定political communicationcampaignagenda setting競選網站議題設定之研究 - 以2008年總統大選為例Agenda Setting on Candidates' Websites - A Case Study of 2008 Presidential Election, ROC.