李雅敏2014-10-272014-10-272008-12-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/16134本文採討身心障礙者的社會心理適應曆千里,基於相關的社會心理理論、障礙適應的模式,探索障礙者的適應心理、適應照程及適應的相關變項;並透過障礙適應研究結果之相關文獻,探討復健諮曲的介入策略,俾使復健專業人員與研究者有所助益。The purpose of this article is to understand the process of psychosocial adjustment to disability, and find an intervention protocol of rehabilitation counseling for people with disabilities. It reviews the relative psychology, psychosocial theories, and the models of adjustment to disability. The psychology of people with disabilities, the process of adjustment, and the variables of adjustment to disabilities, as well as the findings of psychosocial adjustment to disability research are presented. This article could provide implications to rehabilitation professionals and researchers.身心障礙社會心理適應復健諮商DisabilityPsychosocial adjustmentRehabilitation counseling從障礙適應的理論模式探討復健諮商的介入策略Psychosocial Adjustment to Disability--Intervention of Rehabilitation Counseling