國立臺灣師範大學科技應用與人力資源發展學系余鑑于俊傑黃美萍余采芳2014-10-302014-10-302011-09-011995-7654http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/36170企業成敗在於人,除了識才惜才外,若沒有教導人才的良師,璞玉也不會變成和氏璧。成功師徒制須由組織支持與師徒間良性互動才可能成功,進而達到師徒間的知識移轉。本研究根據天下雜誌1000大製造業、500大服務業、100大金融業之人力資源從業人員的徒弟問卷,透過量化方式,探討知覺組織支持對知識移轉程度的影響,並驗證師徒功能是否扮演中介角色。本研究採便利抽樣方式,透過問卷進行實證研究,回收115份。其研究發現:一、知覺組織支持對師徒功能有正向影響。二、師徒功能對知識移轉程度有正向影響。三、知覺組織支持對知識移轉程度有正向影響。四、師徒功能在知覺組織支持與知識移轉程度扮演部份中介角色。Success or failure of business lies in people. In addition to showing the employers' recognition and concerns about the recruits, the enterprise culture must be with organizational support, established between the mentors and the apprentices through which the latter can learn the successful experience of their masters and turned it into their own experience and wisdom. It was completed in the form of questionnaire, through quantitative methods, on the 1000 large manufacturers as reported by the Commonwealth Magazine, 500 service, 100 employees in the financial industry and human resources Apprentice. And the study is also to verify whether the mentoring functions play the mediating role in knowledge transfer. After screening questionnaires with incomplete answers, the research involves 115. The results are as follows: (1) Perceived Organizational Support has some significant positive influence on Mentoring Functions; (2) Perceived Organizational Support has significant positive influence on Career Function, Role Modeling and degree of Knowledge Transfer; (3) Mentoring Functions has some significant positive influence on degree of Knowledge Transfer; (4) Career Function, Role Modeling have significant positive influence on degree of Knowledge Transfer; (5) Mentoring function has partial mediating effect between Perceived Organizational Support and degree of Knowledge Transfer.知覺組織支持師徒功能知識移轉程度Perceived organizational supportMentoring functionDegree of knowledge transfer知覺組織支持對知識移轉程度之研究以師徒功能為中介變項