程玉秀2014-10-272014-10-272004-10-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/12802本研究旨在從英語外語學習者的角度來探索外語寫作焦慮的來源,持以提供有心營造低焦慮學習環境的寫作教師一些教學上的建議。研究採多重方式收集資料,主要資料則藉由以下方式收集: (1)以開放式問卷請學生描述自己寫作焦慮的經驗;(2) 讓學生針對撰寫期末報告過程所經歷的焦慮,自由選擇繳交寫作反思作業; (3)深度訪談學生對英語寫作的看法和成覺。次要資料則持由探討文獻獲得,給以補充主要資料的分析結果。本研究發現學生的寫作焦慮主要來源有四,涵蓋教師的教學方式、學習者對寫作的相關信念、學習者對自我的看法、以及人際壓力。根據研究發現,本文針對外語寫作教學提供了一些建議。The main purpose of this study was to explore the sources of L2 writing anxiety from the perspectives of EFL student writers with a view to providing some pedagogical suggestions for L2 writing teachers who wish to create a less successful leaming environment. Multiple research techniques were used to coIlect various kinds of data. The primary data were collected through (1) an open-ended questionnaire designed to elicit learners' written reports of English writing anxiety experiences (2) an optional written assignment given to student writers to reflect on their anxiety experiencesduring the process of writing term papers in English, and (3) an in-depth interview with student writers about thoughts and feelings toward English writing. A review of Iiterature pertaining to L2 writing anxiety was also conducted to supplement the findings of this study and to identify additional L2 writing anxiety sources. This study revealed that student writers' anxiety might stem from a variety of sources related ω( 1) instructional practices, (2) personal beliefs about writing andlearning to write, (3) self-perceptions, and (4) interpersonal threats. Based on the findings, some suggestions for L2 composition instruction are provided.以英語為外語的學習者寫作焦慮寫作教學第二語Second languageL2EFL learnersWriting anxieyWriting instructionEFL Students' Writing Anxiety英語外語學習者的寫作焦慮:焦慮來源與教學啟示