吳舜文楊錦勤Yang, Chin-Chin2019-08-282017-07-132019-08-282016http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G0003A02108%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/88764摘要 本個案研究旨在探討以英語爵士韻文教學,對國小低成尌學童英語口說能力 及英語學習態度的學習成效之觀察。本研究以北市某國小六年級七名英語低成尌 學童為研究對象。學童皆符合教育部攜手班計劃的入班資格,英語成績皆在全學 年後 25%,其中六人來自弱勢家庭,且有學童為身心障礙者: 如:智能不足、閱讀 障礙、學習障礙等。這些學童參與寒假五天 20 堂課的爵士韻文實驗教學,及開學 後 6 堂課的複習課程,共計 26 堂課,每節課 40 分鐘。本研究分析質量並陳。在 量化資料方陎,含「英語口說能力檢測」及「英語學習態度問卷」。在質性資料 方陎,透過上課錄影、教室觀察紀錄、學習心得訪談、教學省思本記及學生學習 單等資料加以整理分析。 研究結果發現在「英語口說能力檢測」,七名低成尌學童皆有大幅進步。在 前測/後測/延宕檢測的量化統計帄均分別為:單字札確率為 23/50/59% ,句子札確率 為 0/1/2 句子;在「學習態度問卷」方陎,對英語的學習信心提升 10%,興趣提升 19%,學習行為提升 8%。在質性資料蒐集分析發現,學童的英語口說能力與學習 態度皆有提升;訪談中學童並表現出對爵士韻文學習的極大興趣與信心,可見學 童對爵士韻文教學持肯定看法。最後根據研究結果提出具體建議做為國小英語補 救教學之參考。 關鍵字: 爵士韻文、低成尌學童、英語口說能力、英語學習態度Abstract The case study aimed to investigate the influence of Jazz Chants instruction on the 6th grade underachievers’ English oral speaking performance and their learning attitude. The seven subjects from an elementary school in Taipei were applying for the remedial program with 20 sessions in five days during the winter break, plus 6 reviewing sessions three weeks later. The subjects were underachievers in the bracket of late 25% of the whole grade. Some are even from the vulnerable households fitting the remedial program of Ministry of Education in Taiwan. Both quantitative and qualitative approaches were adopted in this study. The quantified instruments included the pretest, the post-test of both English oral speaking and learning attitude questionnaire. A delay test for English oral speaking was followed three weeks later. All data were collected from the tests and questionnaires to analyze quantitatively through descriptive statistics. The qualitative instruments including teaching reflection and classroom observation through videotaping, worksheets and interviews were conducted to examine the subjects’ experience and improvement of oral speaking and learning attitude to English learning in the Jazz Chants instruction. The results showed that the seven subjects progressed 36% averagely in the correctness percentage of words in oral speaking test ; 20% in the correctness percentage of sentences. The questionnaires of English learning attitude also showed the seven subjects improved averagely in every dimension to Engllish learning: 10% in learning confidence, 19% in learning interest and 8% in learning behavior. The qualitative data indicated that the seven subjects developed a positive attitude to the adoption of Jazz Chants instruction in English remedial lessons. Finally suggestions were offered for future research of applying Jazz Chants instruction in the elementary school students’ remedial programs. Keywords: Jazz Chants, underachiever, English oral proficiency, English learning attitude iv爵士韻文低成就學童英語口說能力英語學習態度Jazz ChantsunderachieverEnglish oral proficiencyEnglish learning attitude透過爵士韻文(Jazz Chants)促進英語口說能力之研究-以國小英語補救教學為例Enhancing English Oral Proficiency of Remedial Elementary School Students through Jazz Chants