國立臺灣師範大學科技應用與人力資源發展學系蔡福興游光昭蕭顯勝2014-10-302014-10-302008-10-011560-1277http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/36026本研究設計遊戲式與網頁式兩種不同導向的數位學習環境,來教授28位六年級國小學生學習有關省電與節能的知識,並分析學習者在知識獲取、新舊觀點之學習遷移能力表現上的成效差異,及學習行為所隱含的意義,以試圖發掘數位遊戲式學習的價值。研究結果發現,遊戲式與網頁式之學習者在知識獲取表現,及舊觀點的學習遷移表現上沒有顯著的差異;但在新觀點的學習遷移表現上,遊戲式學習者則顯著優於網頁式學習者。這顯示遊戲式學習者在面對新情境問題時,展現了較強的學習與問題解決的能力。同時,透過學習行為的分析,本研究亦發現遊戲式學習的學習任務與互動性對學習行為與學習成效產生了關鍵性的影響,此亦顯示數位遊戲式學習在特定學習上的價值。Digital game-based learning is recently becoming a popular trend in e-learning. However, the effectiveness of game-based learning is still uncertain. This study develops two e-learning environments, web-page e-learning and online game-based e-learning, to facilitate 28 sixth graders' learning in saving electricity and energy. We seek to find the hidden value of game-based e-learning by comparing the learning performance on knowledge acquisition and problem solving transfer between the group who received game-based treatment and those who received web-page e-learning treatment. The findings revealed that there were no significant difference in the performance of knowledge acquisition and problem solving transfer from the traditional viewpoints between the two treatment conditions. On the other hand, there was significant difference in the performance of problem solving transfer from the new perspective between the two treatment conditions. It demonstrates the value of game-based learning by enhancing the students' ability to learn and their problem solving transfer when encountering novel problem. At the same time, based on the analysis of learning behaviors, the findings revealed that the learning tasks and interactivity had a key impact on learning behaviors and learning effectiveness. This also demonstrates the value of game-based e-learning.數位學習數位遊戲式學習學習成效學習遷移E-learningDigital game-based learningLearning effectivenessTransfer of learning從新學習遷移觀點發掘數位遊戲式學習之價值