黃長福楊峰銓2019-09-052008-8-142019-09-052008http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0695300255%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/105690本研究目的在於探討我國合球國家隊之女選手在六公尺、八公尺和十公尺之三種不同距離情況下,在雙手投籃動作之運動學參數變化的情形。研究方法是利用一部JVC 9800型高速攝影機(120Hz),收集選手在三種距離下,雙手投籃動作之動作影像。以單因子變異數分析檢定在不同距離間運動學參數上的差異及其顯著性。結果發現: 一、雙手投籃動作之各運動學參數隨距離增加的變化情形如下: 1、出手速度、髖關節最大角速度、最大重心速度、出手重心速度、 最大肩關節點速度隨距離增加而增加。 2、出手前最大重心速度之重心角度隨距離增加而減小。 3、在10m投籃會比6m投籃時,需要增加開始下蹲至出手瞬間的球體 水平位移、出手重心角度及肩關節最大角速度。 4、在10m投籃會比6m投籃時,需要減少出手角度、下蹲完成之髖關 節角度、肩關節角度和軀幹傾斜角度。 5、在8m與10m投籃會比6m投籃時,需要增加膝、踝關節最大角速 度、下肢關節對球速的最大作用程度。 二、雙手投籃動作在不同距離間的共同特徵: 1、出手瞬間選手上肢會有固定的伸展動作型態。 2、優秀選手在不同距離投籃會有一致的動力鏈模式,能在身體處於 協調下將球投出。 因此未來合球教練可以參考研究所得量化資料,加上實際教練經驗,判斷出不同距離投籃應有的協調動作,作為投籃動作教學或修正姿勢的依據。The purpose of this study was to compare the kinematics variables of korfball two-hand shot in different distances(6m,8m,10m).One JVC(9800) high-speeds digital camera (120Hz) were to record six female National team players when they were shooting in three designated distances. The Kwon3D motion software was used to analyze the video data. One-way ANOVA was used to test selected kinematics variables. The results listed as follows : The release velocity, the hip maximum angular velocity, the maximum CM velocity, the CM velocity at release and the maximum shoulder linear velocity increases while along with the distance increases. The CM angle in the maximum CM velocity before ball release increases while along with the distance reduces. The 10m shooting has greater horizontal ball displacement (from squat start to ball release ) and CM angle at release and the shoulder maximum angular velocity than the 6m shooting. The 10m shooting has smaller the release, hip, shoulder and incline of trunk angle at squat finished than the 6m shooting. The 8m and 10m shooting has greater the knee and ankle maximum angular velocity and the lower limb joint to the ball’s most degree of action. Two-hand shot movement has common feature during distance shooting : At ball release, the players fully extended their upper limb during three distances. The kinetic chain was observed during three distance shooting. The korfball coaches can use the results of this study, apply to the actual training to improve the teaching and correction of korfball shooting.合球運動學優秀合球女選手在不同距離雙手投籃之運動學分析