國立臺灣師範大學華語文教學系暨研究所謝佳玲李家豪2014-10-302014-10-302011-12-011811-8429http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/31765本文探討臺灣電視新聞標題的語言特徵,結果揭示上標以花俏片段資訊引起興趣;下標以樸實完整內容補充細節;小標以事件主軸貫穿報導;附標說明外加語言訊息。標題傾向色彩分工,以符號或圖像創意縮略,充斥行話、俗語、成語、新詞等,以小句組合的精簡句構突顯事件脈絡,展現功能詞刪減、兼語式及非規範語法等形式。語言特徵亦反映主題變因的影響。本文根據分析結果提出華語新聞標題的教學要則,希冀提供新聞語言研究與教學之參考。This study investigates the linguistic features of Taiwanese TV news head-lines. Results show that main subheads draw attention with fancy fragmented information. Lower subheads provide plain and complete details. Small subheads portray the gist throughout the reports. Auxiliary subheads supply subsidiary language components. Headlines are also characterized by colored division of functions. Chinese characters are often abbreviated with creative symbols or icons. Distinctive expressions such as jargons, slangs, proverbs, coined words are prevalent. Compressed sentence structures highlight the coherence of stories with small clauses. Function-word omission, pivotal construction, and non-standard grammar are common. This study also introduces directions for teaching Chinese news headlines. It is hoped that the conclusions may provide insight for the re-search and teaching of news language.新聞標題電視臺灣華語教學NewsHeadlineTelevisionTaiwanChinese teaching臺灣電視新聞標題研究與教學啟示A Study on Taiwanese TV News Headlines and their Pedagogical Implications.