陳佩英Chen, Pei-Ying楊子萱Yang, Tze-Hsuan2019-08-282023-12-312019-08-282018http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G0505004203%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/89577近年來,教師專業發展的趨勢之下,專業學習社群是為建立教師持續進步專業知能的最佳途徑。個案學校教師基於主動自發及政策誘因,於課餘時間成立跨科教師專業學習社群。本研究想瞭解個案學校跨科教師專業發展學習社群的建構歷程、發展階段以及可能遇到的困難與挑戰,最後以行動研究的方式進行相關策略擬定。 本研究以一年的時間進行行動研究,並輔以「觀察法」、「深度訪談法」進行研究。研究者將行動研究分為個階段依循計畫(plan)、執行(act)、觀察(observe)、反思(reflect)步驟進行。研究結果顯示,跨科教師專業學習社群第一個循環階段,主要希望能夠增加社群成員的向心力及認同感,提升社群成員的參與度,可以使用分散式領導達到上述目的。第二循環階段則是希望能夠擴大社群的宣傳,讓更多教師願意參與社群,本學期合併了個案學校的兩個教師專業學習社群,但卻沒有實質助益,第三個循環階段希望未來一學期的目標,希望能夠結合108課綱,實際設計跨領域課程,讓社群成員建立共同目標。 研究結論有三點。一、個案學校教師專業學習社群的建構歷程為教師自發及政策影響兩大因素。二、個案學校教師專業學習社群的運作方式既緊密又鬆散。三、跨科教師專業學習社群面臨的困境為成員出席率不高,宣傳不足參與的成員無法擴增、缺乏共同願景目標。In recent years, under the trend of professional development of teachers, professional learning communities have been formed as the best way to increase sustainable professional knowledge for teachers. Driven by new educational policies, the teachers of this case school have taken the initiative to form interdisciplinary professional learning communities of teachers in their spare time. The study aims to explore the forming process, and possible difficulties and challenges at the development stage of the interdisciplinary professional learning communities of teachers in the case school, as well as the interdisciplinary professional development and the learning communities, then formulate relevant strategies by adopting the action research approach. The study has been conducted for one year, supplemented by the "observation method" and the "depth interview method". The researcher divided the action research into three periods based on the four steps of planning, action, observation, and reflection. The research shows that the first period of the interdisciplinary professional learning community of teachers mainly intends to build cohesion, strengthen the sense of commitment among the community members, and encourage their particiation, which can be achieved by adopting the decentralized leadership appraoch. During the second period, the researcher aims to increase publicity of the community so that more teachers are willing to participate in the community due to we had combined two professional learning communities of teachers in the case school this semester, but have gained no real benefits. During the third period, the researcher intends to combine 108 curriculum guidelines, and successfully design some interdisciplinary courses to help the community members establish a common goal forthemselves. The conclusions of this study are as follows: 1) The factors of the beginning of the professional learning community of teachers for the case school are spontaneous of teachers and policy implications. 2) The operation of the professional learning community of teachers is closed but not bounded, while using Line group discussions and regular gatherings. 3) The predicament of interdisciplinary professional learning community of teachers would be the member attendance is low, the participation of members is hard to increase, and lack of the shared vision.教師專業學習社群持續性分散式領導professional learning community of teacherssustainablecohesionteachersleadership一所高職跨科教師專業學習社群持續性發展之行動研究An Action Research on Sustainable Development of Professional Learning Community of Teachers for One Vocational High School in New Taipei City