陳素秋Su-Chiu Chen2022-05-162022-05-162020-09-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/116051許多研究指出,高職教育重視工作者培育,因此相對忽略民主公民之養成。另外,研究亦顯示,職業教育學生畢業後的公民參與行為偏低。有鑑於此,本研究嘗試探究高職學生在學校的公民教育經驗,以及理解學生的公民身分實踐。透過參與觀察和深度訪談,本研究發現,學生公民養成教育成效不彰,主要原因有三:一、學生將自己視為升學主義體系中的他者,此他者認同引領其對高職課程中的公民養成科目採取疏離態度;二、師徒文化下的工作者養成教育,相對不利於現代公民養成;三、學校雖有學生自治組織,但缺乏運作參與技能的訓練,因此成效有限。綜合言之,以上不利因素使得學生未能實踐參與型公民,但學生亦未認同實踐遵守規範的公民身分內涵。學生所開展的是持續發展抗拒權力之策略,但卻未嘗試批判性挑戰規範權力結構的諷謔型公民。Current literature indicates that vocational high school places primary importance on cultivating workers at the expense of cultivating citizenship. The literature on political participation additionally shows that vocational high school students engage less in civic participation than those at academic schools. This article examines students’ experiences of citizenship education at vocational high schools and explore how students at these schools practice citizenship. Through participant observation and in-depth interviews, three determinants are identified as contributing to current low performance in citizenship education at vocational high schools. First, students at vocational high schools are perceived as “others” as opposed to mainstream advancement culture in education, alienating themselves from citizenship education curricula. Second, a master-apprentice culture at vocational high schools put more emphasis on the process of worker cultivation more than on democratic citizen cultivation. Third, student self-governance organizations are lack of appropriate training in civic participation skills, which fails to develop students’ competency in democratic participation. These three factors are argued to be responsible for students failing to fully engage as democratic participatory citizens. This does not mean, however, that students practice submissive citizenship, constantly complying with community norms. By contrast, students practice citizenship as cynical citizens, who aim to resist and elude governing power while failing to critically challenge power structures.公民養成師徒文化諷謔型公民職業教育citizen cultivationmaster-apprentice culturecynical citizenvocational education做勞工?做公民?一所私立高職汽車科學生的公民養成探究Learning to “Labor”? Learning to“Citizen”? A Case Study on the Citizenship Cultivation of Auto Mechanics Students at a Private Vocational High School