周愚文博士鄭振壽2019-08-282013-7-92019-08-282008http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0095003207%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/89749摘要 本研究旨在探討國軍進修教育階段政治課程學員的學習滿意度,採問卷調查法,以「國軍軍事院校進修教育學員對政治課程學習滿意度調查問卷」為研究工具,以國軍8所進修教育學校97年上半年受訓學員為研究對象,共發出問卷571份,回收問卷556份,有效問卷541份,回收有效問卷率為94.7%。研究結論如後: 一、國軍進修教育學員對政治課程整體學習滿意度高,其中又以「同儕關係」構面為最高。 二、國軍進修教育學員對政治課程學習以「我會與分組同學互相合作學習」感到最滿意,但對「學校軟硬體設施」滿意度較低。 三、國軍進修教育學員對政治課程學習滿意度因背景變項不同,而呈現差異情形。 (一)性別上,男性學員滿意度顯著高於女性學員。 (二)服務年資上,服務年資4-7年學員滿意度顯著高於8-12年。 (三)受訓時間上,不同受訓時間者無顯著差異存在。 (四)基礎教育上,畢業於國軍基礎軍事院校的學員學習滿意度顯著高於畢業於民間大專院校的學員。 本研究主要建議如後: 一、對國防部政策主管單位: (一)軍事教育資源整合後投資應擴及進修教育,並優先充實軟硬體設施。 (二)課程教材結合時勢符合學員需求。 (三)針對滿意程度差異找尋縮小的方法。 (四)提升教師教學熱誠合理課程比例。 二、對國軍進修教育學校: (一)改善學校教學設施,以滿足學員需求。 (二)營造舒適學習環境,以安定學習情緒。 (三)教師教學方法宜求多元化,以提升教學品質。 (四)精進行政作業流程,以加強學習服務。 (五)運用同儕合作學習,以增高學習興趣。Abstract The purpose of this study is to survey the students’ learning satisfaction to the subject of‘Politics’taught at continuing education level of military academies. Questionnaire survey is used. 571 trainees studying the 8 continuing education schools of army at the first session of 2008 were sampled. The valid rate of questionnaire was 94.7%. Conclusions were made as follows: 1. It reveals a higher satisfaction of students learning to the subject of politics at continuing education of national military academies. And the dimension of,‘peers relationship’element is higher than other fours. But the satisfaction for schools’ hardware and software facilities is lower. 2. The item,‘I will cooperate with teammates’, is higher than other ones. 3. There are significant differences among different variables. i. male students have relatively more satisfied than female ones significantly. ii. students with the background of 4-7 service years more satisfied than those with 8-12 service years significantly. iii. there was no significant difference between the different training periods of the students. iv. students educated at national military academies were more satisfied than those from civil colleges and universities. Some suggestions are recommended as follows: 1. For the Ministry of National Defense i. after integrating the recourses of military education, the investments should expand to advanced education and increase first the software/hardware for teaching purpose. ii. to revise teaching materials according to student s’ needs. iii. to find the solutions according to the differences between satisfaction variables. iv. to raise the teaching of instructors students warm-hearted, and make the ratio of courses rationalization. 2. For national military academies i. to improve teaching facilities according to students’ needs. ii. to construct a comfortable environment for learning. iii. to diversify the method of instructors’ teaching for raising the quality of education. iv. to improve administrative processes. v. to adopt peer collaborative learning.國軍進修教育政治課程學習滿意度政治教育國軍軍事院校continuing educationmilitary academypoliticslearning satisfactionpolitical educationmilitary academic school國軍進修教育階段政治課程學員學習滿意度調查研究A Study of Students' Learning Satisfaction for‘Politics’at Continuing Education Level of National Military Academies