陳昭珍Chen, Chao-Chen張薷方Chang, Ju-Fang2019-08-282015-09-242019-08-282015http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G060215024E%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/89016我國推行國小圖書教師已有五年,圖書館教師在學校環境中推動圖書館利用教育並將資源整合於各科的課程與教師協作是其重要的使命。本研究旨在探究圖書教師與學科教師協作的關係,了解我國圖書教師發展協作的現況,以及探究影響協作的因素。本研究以問卷調查法為主,焦點座談法為輔,以103學年度申請「圖書教師」並審核通過之308所國小之圖書教師為研究對象。研究結果顯示:(一)圖書教師與學科教師建立協作關係的方式以圖書教師主動出擊為主,協作的學科以國語課為主;(二)協作模式以低層次合作居多;(三)行政主管兼任之圖書教師在協作模式「統整教學」面向優於科任教師兼任之圖書教師;(四)學校申請圖書教師一至二年在協作模式「圖書教師的傳統角色」面向優於申請未滿一年之圖書教師;(五)同儕間具有相同的理念與目標、相互尊重與信任、圖書教師抱持正面積極的態度以及有上級主管的支持會促進與學科教師發展協作關係;(六)學校規模大、對圖書教師角色的認知較低會阻礙國小圖書教師與學科教師發展協作關係;(七)減課、經費、圖書教師的定位是現今圖書教師與學科教師協作遭遇到最大困境與問題。根據上述結果,本研究提出以下建議,在圖書教師發展協作方面,建議圖書教師與學科教師建立教師專業社群,在具共同的目標與願景下,提升與學科教師建立協作的機會,增長協作的文化氛圍;在圖書教師的角色方面,建議加深各老師對圖書教師角色的理解與認知,增進協作的機會以提升學生學習成效及促進教師專業成長;在教育部方面,建議依據學校規模大小調整經費及人力資源比例以及將圖書教師設為專任職務。未來研究建議:(一)利用深入訪談法探討具高層次協作經驗學校之圖書教師從協作關係開展至執行協作教學的過程;(二)從學科教師的觀點進行探討,並與圖書教師的觀點進行相互比較。It’s been five years after the implementation of teacher librarian in elementary schools in Taiwan. The important mission of this implementation is to promote library instruction and to integrate educational resources into courses by collaborating with subject teacher. This study attempts to understand the relationship between teacher librarian and subject teacher, to explore their collaboration situation and factors influencing their collaboration. In this study, primary research method is questionnaire survey and then secondary research method is focus group. The program of Teacher librarian to Promote Reading started in 2009. Up to 2014, there were total of 308 elementary schools participating in this program. The target group of this study consisted of these 308 teacher librarians. Results were summarized as follows: First, teacher librarian develops relationship with subject teacher by taking the initiative. The most collaborated subject was found to be Chinese literature. Second, teacher librarian and subject teacher had low-end collaboration by comparison. Third, administrative teacher librarian perform integrated instruction better than subject teacher librarian. Fourth, school participating in teacher librarian program for one to two years performs traditional role of teacher librarian facet is better than the school participating in teacher librarian program less one year. Fifth, collaboration is better achieved among peers sharing the same philosophy and goals and showing mutual respect and trust. Teacher librarian who hold a positive work attitude and have support from supervisors in school can also lead to better collaboration with subject teacher. Six, larger school size, lower recognition of the role of teacher librarian by subject teacher can hinder their collaboration. Lastly, there are three difficulties and problems in collaboration relationship between teacher librarian and subject teacher, including course reduction, budget cut and the role orientation of teacher librarian. Based on the results of this study, there are several suggestions. First, to facilitate collaboration between subject teacher and teacher librarian, a professional learning community can be built. Next, the role of the teacher librarian needs to be more recognized and understood by subject teacher, in order to promote opportunities of collaboration and professional development. Lastly, for the ministry of education, adjusting allocation of financial need based on school size and human resources as well as professional position for teacher librarian is needed. Future research can explore the high-end collaboration school by interview and conduct research from subject teacher’s point of view then compare with teacher librarians’ perspectives.圖書教師協作關係協作模式teacher librariancollaborative relationshipcollaboration model國小圖書教師與學科教師協作關係之研究:從圖書教師的觀點探討A Study on Collaboration Relationship between Teacher Librarian and Subject Teacher in Elementary School: from Teacher Librarian’s Perspective