莊謙本Chuang, Chien-Pen黃玉君Huang, Yu-Chun2020-12-142020-09-042020-12-142020http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G0899700011%22.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/111053鑑於人壽保險商品的多樣化,其營業員所需的專業知識技能愈來愈多,有必要進行深入研究。本研究旨在探討人壽保險產業新進業務員所需的核心職能,以供新進業務員自我提升專業能力,並提供保險公司規劃培訓項目時的參考。 本研究以滾雪球法取樣,邀請五年以上資歷、並且具備國際百萬圓桌會議資格的業務員共計21名,分別進行專家深度訪談、德懷法和層級分析法。所得結論如下: 1.新進業務員面臨的職場挑戰面向的順序為:業務能力的精進、執行業務的壓力、社會經濟的趨勢和保險產業的變化。 2.新進業務員面臨的前五項職場挑戰項目分別是:客戶管理能力、處理事務速度、業績額度挑戰、提升業務專業和產品橫向整合。 3.新進業務員核心職能面向的順序為:養成的人格特質、工作角色的概念、保險的行銷技能和保險的專業知識。 4.新進業務員核心職能的前五個項目分別是:工作態度、規律習性、壓力抗性、角色定位和積極主動。The life insurance policy encompasses a variety of complex professional laws and information. Therefore, selling insurance policies requires professional knowledge and skill. The purpose of this study is to explore the required core competencies for the novice in the life insurance industry to be used as a reference for novice salesmen to improve their professional capabilities and for the insurance companies to plan training projects. This study adopts the snowball sampling method by inviting 21 experts with more than five years of experience with MDRT qualifications for in-depth interviews, Delphi method and hierarchical analysis method. The conclusions drawn after Delphi and hierarchical analysis are as follow: 1. The aspects of workplace challenges faced by novice salesmen are: improvement of sales techniques, pressure to execute sales, trends in social and economic and changes in the insurance industry. 2. The top five workplace challenges for novice salesmen are: customer management capabilities, efficiency in handling tasks, performance quota challenges, improvement of insurance professional competence and product integration sales. 3. The aspects of the core competencies for novice salesmen are: personality traits development, job role concept, insurance marketing skills and expertise in insurance. 4. The top five items of core competencies are: work attitude, regular habits, stress resistance, role positioning and proactiveness.核心職能新進業務員人壽保險產業百萬圓桌會議滾雪球取樣core competenciesnovice salesmenlife insurance industryMillion Dollar Round Tablesnowball sampling人壽保險產業新進業務員核心職能之研究A Study of Core Competencies for Novice Salesmen in Life Insurance Industry