鄧守信吳佩怡I-PEI, WU2019-08-282006-6-302019-08-282006http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G0069124010%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/86109普通話(Mandarin)在台灣地區與台語(Taiwanese)頻繁接觸逐漸發展成獨具特色的台灣國語(Taiwanese Mandarin)。本文主要針對台灣國語的語氣詞進行分析,藉由探討語氣詞的核心語意與語用功能,觀察普通話語氣詞如何受台語影響而產生變化,以及台灣國語自台語借入語氣詞的情況,希望以系統性的描述與研究呈現當代台灣國語語氣詞的面貌,以供華語教師參考,使教學語言更為規範。 本研究首先從在台灣收集的口語語料中,篩選出使用上受台語影響而不符合普通話規範或由台語借入的語氣詞,包括「啦」、「咧」、hoNh、haNh和hioh;然後參考Li (1999)的研究架構逐一檢視每個語氣詞出現的言談語境,以歸納各語氣詞的核心語意,並說明聽話者如何透過言談合作原則(the Cooperative Principle)與語氣詞核心語意、音高特質、語句命題意義的互動,推衍出全句在不同語境中所呈現的各種會話隱涵(conversational implicature)。 分析結果顯示,「啦」受到台語影響已非單純「了」、「啊」連續而來的語氣詞而具有標示言談單位結束的功能;「咧」則標示語句內容和說者或聽者的預期呈現對立關係;而從台語進入台灣國語的語氣詞,hoNh的功能在邀請聽話者參與協商;haNh、hioh則分別徵求聽話者回應或證實。最後,本文並通過台灣國語語氣詞與普通話語氣詞(或普通話相應之表達方式)語用功能方面的對比分析,說明前者為何會受台語影響而與後者產生差異。This study investigates the linguistic phenomenon of utterance-final particles (UFPs) in Taiwanese Mandarin from a discourse-pragmatic perspective. To What extent are the UFPs in Mandarin a carry-over of those in Taiwanese? What kind of evidence does Taiwanese Mandarin provide in supporting the claim that some Mandarin UFPs are borrowed from Taiwanese UFPs? The author provides a systematic description to support the claim and hopes that such a description can allow Chinese language teachers to better understand contemporary Taiwanese Mandarin UPFs. This study sifts out five popular UFPs from natural, spoken Taiwanese Mandarin: namely, la, lei, hoNh, haNh, and hioh. Adopting Li‘s (1999) interactive framework of core meaning and pragmatic function, the author carefully examines each of these five UFPs in discourse contexts. It is argued by the author that the addressee can utilize the core meaning and tone quality of these UFPs, in conjunctions with the utterance proposition and the Cooperative Principle, to infer various kind of context-dependent conversational implicature. Finally, using a contrastive analysis of the selected UFPs in Mandarin and Taiwanese Mandarin, the author attempts to unravel some of the possible reasons for the functional shift of Taiwanese Mandarin UFPs.台灣國語語氣詞言談分析核心語義語用功能Taiwanese Mandarinutterance-final particlediscourse analysiscore meaningpragmatic function當代台灣國語語氣詞之研究---從核心語義和語用功能的角度探討The Utterance-Final Particles of Contemporary Taiwanese Mandarin---From the perspective of Core Meaning and Pragmatic Function