黃冠寰林順喜游智皓2019-09-052005-6-202019-09-052005http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G0069247017%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/106329網路服務(Web Services)是分散式系統未來發展的趨勢,讓應用程式在網路上提供服務,供其他機器上的程式所使用。網路服務使用XML作為資料交換及傳輸的標準格是,因此具有強大的互通性和延伸性,讓應用程式能更簡單的整合網路上的程式,藉由交談的方式達成某些複雜的運作過程,如企業間的交易…等。在本篇碩士論文,我們將會展示並證明網路服務可以應用在建立分散式檔案系統上。在論文中我們提出了架構在網路服務上之網路檔案系統(WSNFS),藉由此系統我們可以提供一個讓各種不同分散式作業系統互相分享檔案的平台,讓使用者不管在任何地方任何時間都能使用此服務。此外由於網路服務被網格運算大量採用,因此系統也可以很輕易的和網格運算做整合並加以應用。本篇論文中不但展示了此系統的架構外,更以網路服務為基礎訂定了標準的通訊協定,最後經由實驗我們可以證實WSNFS以具有實用性,在效能方面可以跟Sun NFS互相做比較。Web services are Web-based enterprise applications that use open, XML-based standards and transport protocols to exchange data with calling clients. In this paper, we demonstrate Web services can be applied to construct a distributed file system. We propose the Web services based network file system (WSNFS). One of the goals of the WSNFS is that it provides a platform for the file sharing among heterogeneous distributed file systems, which can offer access to users’ data, anytime, anywhere, in a transparent manner. Also, as the technology of Web services has a widespread application to the field of grid computing, the proposed system can help with the deployment of Web services to the data grid application. We present the architecture of WSNFS and define the standard of the communication protocol based on Web services. The experiences in implementing the prototype as well as the experimental results demonstrate that the WSNFS is very practical. The performance of the prototype is competent compared with SUN network file system.網路服務格網運算分散式檔案系統網路檔案系統行動檔案系統SOAPWeb ServicesXMLData GridMobile File Systems架構在網路服務上之網路檔案系統Web Services Based Network File System