陳志豪Chen, Chih-hao鄭力瑜Cheng, Li-yu2022-06-082022-02-102022-06-082022https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/e914201a6773a230233db66879c13b76/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/116586清代臺灣的總理,是位不領官府薪水,卻得協助官方管理地方秩序的基層社會領導人物。總理的權力包含組織壯丁,維持村莊秩序,或募資籌款,建設公共設施,以及配合官府偵查犯罪、緝捕犯人等,清代總理可說是清代政府與民間之間的溝通橋樑。  本研究主旨希冀透過總理一職背後所展現的社會境況與統治需求,以了解清代臺灣基層社會的運作模式,和臺灣先民們在清代生活的真實樣貌,並透過桌上遊戲的方式,以「成為總理」為遊戲獲勝目標,藉由地圖圖板、遊戲配件和史料轉譯後的遊戲規則,重現清代臺灣基層社會的土地開墾、分類械鬥、修築水利設施和建設信仰中心等民間發展過程。在遊戲中,採用長時間軸的方式,呈現出歷史人、事、物在時間上的連續過程,使遊戲參與者們體驗臺灣先民面對的生活困境和各種人生抉擇,並從遊戲的過程中,學習清代臺灣史的關鍵知識。Zongli in Taiwan of the Qing Dynasty was an unofficial grassroots social leader.They did not receive government salaries but had the authority to manage public affairs. The power of Zongli includes organizing villagers keeping security, fundraising for public facilities, and following commands of government agencies to investigate crimes and arrest criminals.This thesis, a board game, attempts to help people know Taiwan society howworks in the historical situation and the need for governance during the Qing. In this game, the game goal is to become a Zongli with map boards, accessories, and rules translated from historical materials, to reproduce reclaiming lands, classification battles, irrigation facilities, and establishing faith centers. The game was designed in a longterm view to show the continuous historical process being affected by people, events, and stuff. Game players can sketch out the processes of Taiwan society development and realize the determination of Taiwan ancestors.清代總理桌上遊戲遊戲式學習歷史教育Qing DynastyZongliboard gamegame-based learninghistory education來到清朝的臺灣當總理─清代臺灣社會與文史桌遊的設計A History Board Game: Immigrant and Society in Taiwan of the Qing Empire專業實務報告(專業實務類)