王順美詹心懿Chan, Hsin-Yi2019-09-052008-2-222019-09-052008http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0694460058%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/103679 動物園活生生的野生動物每年吸引大量的遊客入園參觀,對遊客來說,或許是基於休閒和娛樂之目的而來,但動物園的教育功能卻總是備受期待的。如果動物園的動物福利很差,入園的遊客誤以為理所當然,則動物園將無法傳遞「尊重和愛護動物」的訊息;相對地,動物園若要傳達此一訊息,就必須以身作則。 動物園中的動物福利對於動物園教育來說是極為重要的,園方照養動物的態度和經營管理的文化會經由非正式的途徑影響前來參觀的遊客,而動物在園中所獲的待遇和生活品質,同時也意謂人類對待動物的態度,為教育遊客尊重生命和愛護動物的態度,相信透過園方積極的規劃和引導,亦可將相關訊息傳遞給遊客。 本研究為了解臺北立市動物園之動物福利現況、動物福利相關的教育現況,並探求動物保護團體與學者對動物園實施動物福利教育的建議,故以訪談、觀察及文件分析之研究方法,探索在動物園中推動動物福利教育可行之方式和內容。 本研究之結果如下: 一、臺北市立動物園的動物福利情況正日漸改善中,表現在園方的觀念、欄舍的設計、動物訓練的目的,以及圈養動物之生理、心理、環境等面向上; 二、臺北市立動物園動物福利的改善,仍需加強園內外相關因素的支持,包括:經營者的重視、員工的能力、研究人員的研究、園方各項資源,以及與動物保護團體、社會大眾、媒體的對話溝通,並更多符合國際或區域性動物園組織的規範和監督等; 三、「空間」為臺北市立動物園中動物福利最大的限制,但仍可針對不同物種及個體之生理、心理和環境之需求,加以改善其生活品質。 四、臺北市立動物園實施「動物福利教育」仍有相當的爭議,反對者認為動物園無法提供動物所需的福利反而會造成負面教育,而贊成者認為以動物福利教導遊客尊重和愛護動物是非常重要的。 五、臺北市立動物園動物管理員解說動物福利教育仍少,但未來可以就已經進行的動物福利措施給予解說; 六、臺北市立動物園有關動物福利教育仍可以加強,目前教案需加強有關動物福利部分之內容和精神;解說牌補足動物福利訊息的提供;網站亦可補充目前園內已經進行的動物福利部分之內容; 七、臺北市立動物園的員工雖有進行《動物園暨水族館保育方略》的導讀,但對動物管理員來說,仍有對不同物種福利提升相關的知能及與其他管理員交流,和出國實地參訪的需求。The live wild animals attract huge amount of tourists to visit the urban zoo every year. Although the tourists may go to zoos for the purpose of fun and leisure, the function of education at zoos is always highly expected. Therefore, zoos need to be the role model to show people how to treat animal when we keep them in captivity. The animal welfare in zoos plays a very important role in the zoo education. The attitude and the ways of taking care of animals and the culture of managing zoo will influence people who visit zoos in informal ways. In order to teach visitors who come to the zoos the values of “respecting lives” and “protecting animals”, zoos should focus on animal welfare, and plan how to send the message to the visitors in every possible ways. The study tried to understand the status of animal welfare at Taipei Zoo, the methods of zoo education related to animal welfare, and the suggestions made by the persons from animal protection organization and scholar from university to the zoo. Interviews, observation, and document analysis are the three methods which are used for the study. The results of the study are: 1.The status of animal welfare in Taipei Zoo is improving generally shown in aspects of Consciousness, the enclosure design, the objectives of animal training, and the dimensions of physical, mental, and natural living of animals when kept in captivity. 2.The modification of animal welfare requires the supporting factors from inside and outside of Taipei Zoo, including the leader’ awareness, the ability of the staff, the researches of animal welfare, the resources, the communication between animal protection organization , the public, the media and the zoo, and the disciplines and the supervise force of the international and local organizations. 3.Taipei Zoo can improve the animals’ quality of life by concerning their physical, mental, and environmental aspects, despite of the living space is limited for animals when living in enclosure. 4.There’re a lot of debates of developing “animal welfare education” at Taipei Zoo, some think that unable to provide the needed welfare for the animals by the zoo will leading to the negative educational results, while the others suggest that animal welfare education can teach people how to respect and protect animals. 5.Keeper Talks in Taipei Zoo seldom talk about the animal welfare, of which we hope that the ongoing practice can bementioned in the future. 6.Teaching plans, interpretation panels, and website of Taipei Zoo need to add the content of animal welfare and its spirit when now it’s obviously deficient in the zoo education. 7.Keepers in Taipei Zoo require the knowledge and skills of taking care of different species of animals for increasing their welfare, the chances of communicating with other keepers in Taipei Zoo, and the opportunities of learning from keepers who are good in animal welfare when visiting the good zoos abroad.動物福利動物福利教育動物園學習理論臺北市立動物園animal welfareanimal welfare educationlearning theories at zooTaipei Zoo臺北市立動物園的動物福利及其教育之實施現況研究The Study on the Status of Animal Welfare and Its Education in Taipei Zoo