廖偉民Liao, Wei-Min邱詒暄Chiu, Yi-Hsuan2020-12-142019-10-012020-12-142019http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G0006682115%22.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/111412自網際網路普及開始,人民受到網路謠言影響甚遠,當遇到需要緊急救護的情況時,還是會以偏方或不實急救謠言,作為當下的處理辦法。本創作研究旨在探討有關台灣緊急救護所面臨的問題,並以資訊圖表(Infographics)的方式呈現宣導內容加以測試。在文獻探討中分成「台灣緊急救護現況」、「中高齡族群接受訊息之分析」、「資訊圖表」三大類作探討。透過深度訪談第一線緊急救護技術人員在現場的觀察以及119指揮中心人員,了解民眾實際報案情況,以及網路謠言蒐集,整理歸納出10個緊急救護中常見的案例與其錯誤急救方法,包含:燙傷、流血、噎住、癲癇、中風、溺水、卡魚刺、心肌梗塞、昏迷、亂叫救護車。使用主題「燙傷怎麼辦?」、「流血怎麼辦?」製作適用於LINE官方帳號的資訊圖表原型,經過測試與訪談,受訪者對於緊急救護議題會提高其興趣,並在獲得資訊時覺得生動有趣,並表示願意轉貼分享和進一步討論。本研究創作以資訊圖表的方式,結合幽默的「你的急救等級」,製作十組資訊圖表的的創作作品,讓觀者更有興趣閱讀,加以了解緊急救護的重要性,可以改善目前資訊落差的現況,提高民眾對於緊急救護的意識。The main purpose of this study is to explore the problems faced by Taiwan’s emergency rescue, and to test, to present the advocacy content in Infographics. It is found that people are seriously affected by online rumors. When confronted with situations requiring emergency rescue, people always takes folk prescriptions or untrue first aid as the current treatment method in the literature discussion. This paper explores three categories: the current situation of emergency rescue in Taiwan, the analysis of information received by middle-aged& old people, and Infographics. Through in-depth interviews with first-line emergency rescue technicians on-site observation, in-depth interviews with 119 command center personnel to understand the actual situation of the people reported cases, as well as the collection of network rumors, summed up 10 common cases of emergency rescue and its wrong first aid methods, including: scald, bleeding, choking, epilepsy, stroke, drowning, fish stings, myocardial infarction, coma, and calling ambulancesin unnecessary situations . Using the themes "What about scalds?" and "What about bloodshed?" to make prototypes of information charts for LINE platform, after testing and interviews, the respondents were interested in the topic of emergency rescue and found it interesting to get information at the same time, and expressed their willingness to post for sharing and further discussion. In this study, ten groups of inforgraphics are created by using information charts . The content "Your Emergency Level" is a humorous way to make viewers more interested in reading and understand the importance of emergency rescue, which can improve the current situation of information gap and enhance the public' s awareness of emergency rescue.資訊圖表緊急救護網路謠言LINE中高齡InfographicsEmergency medicalInternet rumorsLINEMiddle-aged and old people資訊圖表應用於緊急救護之創作研究Emergency Medical in Infographics Design and Research