國立臺灣師範大學健康促進與衛生教育學系高松景武靜蕙晏涵文劉潔心虞舜光2014-12-022014-12-022003-09-011608-5787http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/39516本研究旨在針對台北市閩、高中(職)學生在「兩性平等教育J評量結果進行橫斷性分析,探討從閣中一年級到高中(職)三年級男女學生應加強的教育重點,做為教育行政及學校行政持續拉動「兩性平等教育J之參考。研究的母群體是台北市公私立國、高中(職)學生,經分層隨機抽樣,總樣本數共3, 220人(國中1 2 60人,高中職1 5 9 7人)。研究工具採自編結構問卷,內容有兩性「自我暸解、人我關係與自我突破J的覺察度、知識、態度、行為與意向、自我效能及基本資料等六個部份,以二因子多變項變異數分析,重要研究結果如下: 1. r I有性交往迷忠」及「兩性不平等」的覺察度i這年級升高而增加, 女生的覺察度高於男生O 2. r 生殖生理J 、「性晶晶J 、「性騷擾與性侵害J及「兩性權益法令J知識在國中階段:隨年級升高而得分增加:然而在高中階段:則呈見高一急速下降,高二趨緩的現象,整體知識女生優於男生。 3. 園中生較高中生f 自尊」高, r 性別角色態度」以女生較另生正向, 其中有關「兩性職業興趣與工作J性別角色態度,隨年級升高新趨彈性; r 兩性互動j 性別角色態度,則函中生較高中生具彈性。 4. 兩性交往相關行為隨年級升高比率漸增, r 性別角色行為意向」呈現性別差異。 5. 自我效能以女生較男生有把握, 然而今紋的差異只有在「拒絕技巧與自我調過j的自我效能土,男生達顯著差異。 6. 年級、性別與各依變項問均呈顯著交互作用。依據研究結果搜出「兩性平等教育jj在展之建議。This study was designed to assess the middle school students' performance in Gender Equality Education Curriculum with cross-section analysis methods. The purpose was to explore the educational emphasis among the students from Grade one of junior high school to Grade 3 of high school. By stratified sampling, there were 3,220 subjects participating in this study (1,260 students from junior high schools, 1,597 students from high schools and vocational school). Data were collected with a questionnaire, which contained six main dimensions-the awareness of students' self-understanding, interpersonal relationship and self-breakthrough, the knowledge, the attitude, the behavior and intention, and the self-efficacy. By two way MANOVA statistics analysis, the important findings were as follows: 1.The awareness of girl students was better than the boy students. The higher the grades were, the more increased the awareness was on the item of (Boy-girl Contact Myth) and (Gender Inequality). 2.The knowledge of girl students was better than the boy students, in junior high school. The higher the grades were, the better knowledge they had, but it decreased rapidly in the high school among grade one students and slower during grade two. 3.Girl students were better than the boy students on the item of gender-role attitude. It revealed that junior high school students were better than high school (also than vocational school) students on the item of self-esteem. 4.The higher the grades were, the more experience of boy-girl contact they had. The traditional stereotype of the gender role behavior and intention affected these students deeply. 5.The self-efficacy of girl students was better than boy students. It revealed difference among each grade on the item of " refusal skill and self-adaptation". There was significant difference among boy students. 6.The variables of sex and age indicated significant interaction among the following variables: the awareness, the knowledge, the attitude, the behavior and intention, and the self-efficacy. According to the above results, suggestions were made to better develop Gender Equality Education programs.兩性平等教育性別角色態度Gender equality educationGender role attitude台北市國高中(職)學生「兩性平等教育」評量之橫斷性研究