邱春瑜Chiu, Chun-Yu張瓊文Chang, Chiung-Wen2023-12-082023-08-092023-12-082023https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/f19108155bac23b277835ca13c71633a/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/1196902006年,聯合國頒布了身心障礙者權利公約(CRPD),台灣也於2014年立法通過《身心障礙者權利公約施行法》,保障多項身心障礙者的權利。身心障礙者的人權議題逐漸被社會所重視,其中性權及性健康權也多被提及討論。在青少年的階段,性是一個重要的議題,在性發展的目標上,又有許多與人互動的議題、情感發展等,並強調與他人建立一段健康親密的關係。而自閉症的核心障礙便有社會互動的困難,這樣的特徵對於自閉症青少年來說,在性的議題會遇到什麼與一般發展青少年不一樣之處。本研究透過質性訪談,探討母親與輕度自閉症青少男談「性」的經驗,希望能更深入瞭解輕度自閉症青少男的性議題,並透過母親角色,瞭解其對自閉症青少男性的觀點、談「性」的經驗及所需要的支持等。本研究以立意取樣,邀請5位母親其育有至少一位輕度自閉症青少男,並透過質性研究法中的半結構深度訪談法進行探究,利用現象學的方法,針對母親與輕度自閉症青少男談「性」的經驗分析結果如下:一、母親皆認為性是健康的,需要從小教起,不應該將性視為特殊的議題。在談「性」的過程中,多數母親認為與不同性別的孩子溝通時會尷尬,於是會希望是同性別角色與輕度自閉症青少年進行性相關的溝通,如:爸爸、哥哥或是男性心理師。二、從母親的觀察發現到,自閉症青少男在性生理的發展與一般人無異,在人際互動、理解能力及情緒發展上可能比一般同齡孩子慢一些。青春期時,五位母親皆表示孩子有欣賞的女生,甚至有些去告白失敗了,但是這些孩子皆未與他人交往過。三、輕度自閉症青少男的母親認為孩子性知識的來源不會只有一種,最多的來源就是家長,再來則是網路及學校。與輕度自閉症孩子談「性」的經驗中,母親常使用的素材來源有網路及新聞時事、書籍、學校素材及自身過去經驗。四、對孩子未來的期待,有三位母親提到希望能有一個能接納自閉症特質的伴侶,有兩位則是認為未來能獨立生活就夠了。有一位母親談到生孩子時,會擔心自閉症的遺傳問題。五、 在家人支持的部分可以發現,母親將哥哥視為溝通中的好幫手及橋樑; 然而爸爸雖然也是同性別,但因其溝通容易與孩子起衝突,在談「性」的幫助較低。有些母親則傾向尋求專業人員的服務,像是心理師與醫療團隊。大部分母親也都參與了自閉症家長團體、網路社群,透過同樣身為自閉症者家長的討論,可以預先對孩子的性發展做好準備,也可以感受到自己並不孤單。六、統整母親感到困擾的性議題,為人際互動、網路交友、性別認同與多元性別三大議題。另外,孩子的自閉症特質增加了他們在溝通上的困難,包含被動、固著性、表達能力差、自我中心及情緒敏感。七、母親認為與自閉症孩子及一般發展的孩子在談「性」或性教育的選擇是一樣的,但在教法上可能會不太一樣。對於輕度自閉症孩子需要先尊重孩子的想法及選擇,母親是陪伴的角色;將性溝通融在生活中,創造輕鬆幽默的情境,但要搭配直白、明確的規則講解。另外輕度自閉症孩子需要透過預告、多次提醒、不同的情境及不同人的觀點提供,協助他們理解生活中的情境脈絡,並學習同理他人。Taiwan passed the Enforcement Law of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) in 2014 to protect the rights of persons with disabilities. The societal value recognizes more about the human rights issues of people with disabilities, among which sexual and sexual health rights have also been mentioned and discussed. On an individual level, sexuality becomes a more crucial issue during adolescence. Sexual development denotes many topics, such as interaction with people and emotional development. It emphasizes building a healthy and intimate relationship with others. Nevertheless, unlike their typically developing counterparts, sexual development can be challenging for adolescents with autism spectrum disorder due to their core characteristics of social interaction difficulties. Therefore, this study aims to explore the mothers’ experience talking about sexuality with their adolescent sons with mild autism spectrum disorder.Through qualitative interviews, the researcher investigated mothers’ perspectives toward sexual issues of their adolescent sons with mild autism spectrum disorder. The research used purposive sampling and recruited five mothers with a teenage son with a mild autism spectrum disorder. The results of the semi-structured in-depth interview method revealed the following themes:1.Mothers believe that sex is healthy, should be taught early, and should be normalized. When discussing sexuality, most mothers felt embarrassed to communicate with a child of different genders, so they invited same-gender family members or professionals (e.g., dads, older brothers, or male psychologists) to help with the discussion.2.From the mothers' observations, it was found that their sons’ physical sexual development was generally the same as the typical developing teenagers';. At the same time, the significant differences lie in slower growth in interpersonal interactions, comprehension, and emotional maturity. During adolescent hood, all five mothers reported that their children had talked about a girl they had a crush on, some had confessed and got rejected, but none of the children had ever been in a relationship. 3.The mothers believed that the source of sexual knowledge for their sons was not singular, and their sons mostly learned from the family, the internet, and school. When talking about sex with their sons, mothers often used anecdotes from the internet, news, current affairs, books, school materials, and their own past experiences.4.All mothers expressed concerns about their sons’ interpersonal interactions. They expected their sons to have a partner who could accept the characteristics of autism and live independently in the future. As for having children, one mother mentioned that she was worried about the heredity of autism.5.The mothers viewed the older brothers as good helpers and messengers in discussing sexuality; the fathers were more likely to conflict with the child and were less helpful in discussing sexuality with their sons despite being the same gender. Some mothers preferred to seek professional help, such as psychologists and medical teams. Most mothers were also involved in a parent support group and had online communities where they found support to be prepared for their child's sexual development and feel that they were not alone. 6.Autistic traits increase the sons’ communication difficulties, including passivity, stubbornness, poor expression, self-centeredness, and emotional sensitivity. The three main sexual issues that mothers expressed concerns about while talking about sex are interpersonal interactions, online friendships, gender identity, and gender diversity. 7.Mothers believed that talking about sexuality and sexual education for their sons with autism was the same as for typical developing children, but the teaching methods may differ. For sons with mild autism, mothers worked harder to be companions and respected the child's ideas and choices. They also integrated sexuality into their daily parenting and created a light and humorous environment, but not without setting straightforward and transparent rules. In addition, they helped their adolescent sons with mild autism to understand the context of their lives and learn to empathize with others with the following strategies: advanced notice, multiple prompting, and clear examples for different situations/perspectives.自閉症母親ASDmothersexuality母親與輕度自閉症青少男談「性」的經驗初探A Preliminary Study on Mothers’ Perspectives toward Talking about Sexuality with their Adolescent Sons with Mild Autism Spectrum Disordersetd