國立臺灣師範大學英語學系黃馨週陳秋蘭林至誠 2015-09-032015-09-032006-01-011023-7267http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/73924本研究目的為探討以英語為外語學習者網路閱讀策略之使用。研究者首先建置一套網路英文閱讀系統,並參酌文獻所提到各式閱讀策略設計15 個閱讀策略按鈕機制,以追蹤學生閱讀策略使用情形。本研究之對象為三十位科技大學應用英語系二年級學生,依其英文程度分為高、低兩組。所閱讀的四篇文章包含四個主題,其中兩篇較易,兩篇較難。文章依難易順序分八週讀完。本研究發現,學生絕大多數使用輔助性策略,最少使用解決問題性策略。此外,高、低組同學不但使用不同的策略,而且使用策略的時機也不盡相同,結果顯示高組同學比低組同學更能有效運用策略。本文最後依研究結果提出教學相關建議。This study aimed to explore online strategy use among EFL learners of different language proficiencies. To fulfill the purpose of this study, a web-based reading program, English Reading Online, was constructed. The design of this online reading program, which features 15 strategy buttons, echoed reading strategy patterns found in L2 reading literature. In this study, the act of clicking on a certain strategy function button online was traced to reflect a reader’s particular strategy use. Thirty Applied English majors, divided into a High group and a Low group based on their language proficiencies, were asked to read a total of four authentic online texts of two difficulty levels. The results showed that Support strategies made up the overwhelming proportion of strategy use and Problem-solving strategies were used the least. Additionally, the High group and the Low group differed not only in their use of strategy types, but also in their strategy use sequences, with the High group using strategies more effectively. Pedagogical implications of the findings are discussed.閱讀策略第二外語閱讀網路閱讀Reading strategySecond language readingWeb-based reading臺灣學生英語網路閱讀策略之探討EFL Learners' Online Reading Strategies比較高成就與低成就閱讀者之策略使用A Comparison between High and Low EFL Proficient Readers