國立臺灣師範大學圖書資訊學研究所陳昭珍2015-07-032015-07-032000/07-20http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/73274為建全政府機關檔案管理,促進檔案開放與應用,發揮檔案功能,政府於八十八年十二月十五日由總統令頒布檔案法。而為落實各機關檔案之公開及應用,各機關宜建置機關檔案管理資訊系統,以資訊技術強化檔案目錄建檔、儲存、管理、檢索之功能,機關檔案管理資訊系統之設計必須基於檔案法之規定辦理。 檔案法中與機關檔案管理資訊系統建置相關之規定如下: 1.分類系統及編目規則:依據檔案法第八條第一項「檔案應依檔中央主管機關規定之分類系統及編目規則分類編案、編製目錄。」第二項「各機關應將機關檔案目錄定期送交檔案中央主管機關。」第三項「檔案中央主管機關應彙整國家檔案目錄及機關檔案目錄定期公布之,並附目錄使用說明。」 2.檔案儲存之形式及效力:依據檔案法第九條第一項「檔案採微縮或其他方式儲存管理,其實施辦法,由檔案中央主管機關定之。」第二項「依前項辦法儲存之紀錄經管理該檔案之機關確認者,視同原檔案。其複製品經管理該檔案機關確認者,推定其為真正。」依據檔案法第十二條第三項「經檔案中央主管機關核准銷毀之檔案,必要時應先經電子儲存,始得銷毀。」   因此,機關檔案管理資訊系統必須能提供各機關原始檔案資料之登錄、處理及過濾,依檔案中央主管機關所訂定之編目規則及分類系統建檔、儲存、管理,並對電子化的檔案目錄及全文提供標準界面轉換、傳輸、加密及認證功能。已資訊化的檔案,應提供各機關查詢,並透過傳送機制定期將各機關之檔案目錄或電子全文傳送至全國檔案資訊系統審核、彙整後,提供民眾快速查詢政府檔案資訊。為期能在最短的時間內建置合於檔案法精神並滿足各機關使用需求的機關檔案管理資訊系統、且為使各系統間具有互通性,故進行本研究,探討機關檔案資訊管理系統之架構及功能、檔案結構、全文數位化之檔案格式、軟硬體規範等問題,做為系統設計、或機關招標之依據。In order to improve archives management of government agencies, to enhance access and use of archives, and to bring archival collections into full play, President issued the Archives Law on December 15, 1999. In order to implement the access and use of archives among various agencies, government agencies should establish their own archives information management system. Through information technology, it could strengthen system functions, such as file directory, storage, management, search, and so on. Since the design of archives management system must be based on the Archives Law, one has to consider the following regulations related to archives information management system: 1. Classification system and cataloging rules: Based on Article 8, paragraph 1 of the Archives Law, 'according to the rules set by the Central government, government archives shall be classified, cataloged and then complied into a directory.' Paragraph 2, 'individual agency shall forward its archival directory to the Central government periodically.' Paragraph 3, 'the Central government shall integrate and announce archival directories at both the national and the local level with instructions on how to use the directories.' 2. File storage format and validation: Based on Article 9, paragraph 1, 'archives shall be stored and managed via microfilm or other formats, and its implementation shall be regulated by the Central government.' Paragraph 2, 'after agency's verifying of the archives that stored according to paragraph 1, they are deemed as the original archives. In addition, after agency's verifying, duplications will be inferred as authentic.' Based on Article 12, paragraph 3, 'for archives that have been authorized to be discarded, when necessary, they shall be stored electronically before disposal.' Thus, archives information management system of government agencies must provide agencies with the following functions: login, process, and filter of the data of original archives. Ba sed on the cataloging rules and classification system regulated by the Central Government, the system allows users to setup directory, store information, and manage archives. In addition, it provides a standard interface transformation, transfer, access-restrictions, and validations of the digitized file directory and full-text. Thus, individual government agencies should be able to retrieve and access the digitized archives. After the archives were disseminated through some kind of mechanism, they were examined collectively by the national archival information system. Then, the archival directories and full-text should be made available for public retrieval. The goal of this research is to establish an interoperable archives information management system that conforms to the spirit of the Archives Law and suits the need of individual agencies. In addition, related issues are also being discussed, such as the structure and features of the archival information system, file structures, format of digitized full-text, and specifications on hardware and software. Thus, it may be used as a basis for system design and institution open-bid.檔案資訊管理系統詮釋資料ArchiveInformation Management SystemMetadata機關檔案管理系統之規劃A Research on Specifications of Archive Information Management System