石曉楓Hsiao-Feng Shih2019-08-122019-08-122016-03-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/81564陳淑瑤以澎湖為背景的作品有小說《海事》、《地老》、《流水帳》以及散文集《瑤草》。她以輕靈而有韻味的筆調,淡筆勾勒離島上一幅幅風姿各異的少女風情畫。其中《流水帳》裡刁鑽敏慧、心思細膩的小兒女們,各有各的成長心事。本文以《流水帳》中的少女為觀照主角,探討陳淑瑤如何在澎湖地景的襯托下,展現少女情感教育之養成,而在看似輕描淡寫,實際卻暗藏情緣起滅、死與生、離與返的成長記事與體會裡,地方記憶與人情感知又如何在「成長」經驗裡產生默會、浸染作用,從而塑造少女的價值觀與社會抉擇。Chen Su-yao’s works that are situated in Penghu include the novels Maritime, The End of the Day, and Blotters, and an essay titled Yaocao. She sketches different styles of girls in Penghu in a charming and ethereal tone. In Blotters, the cunning, clever, and attentive girls display their own emotional growth. Focusing on these girls, I discuss how Chen Su-yao depicts the development of the girls’ emotional education with the Penghu landscape as the background. I also demonstrate how the native land and the human perception of it contribute in the “growth” experiences of the girls and affect their values and social choices in Chen’s seemingly casual writing and understanding of growth hidden within the rising and ending of love, death, and life, and the acts of leaving and returning.成長小說《流水帳》陳淑瑤鄉土記憶澎湖bildungsromanBlottersChen Su-yaonative land memoryPenghu陳淑瑤《流水帳》中的離島/鄉土成長記憶Growth Memory in Penghu: the Native Land in Chen Su-yao’s Blotters