王麗斐許予宸2019-08-282015-6-292019-08-282014http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0699010224%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/91059本研究旨在探索青少年自我傷害動機、心理分離個體化、情緒調節與自我傷害行為之關係,調查臺灣青少年自我傷害行為的現況,瞭解自我傷害動機與自我傷害行為的關連,探討情緒調節、心理分離個體化對自我傷害的影響,並探討情緒調節在心理分離個體化、自我傷害行為之間的中介情形。研究採問卷調查的方式,研究對象為779位公立高中職學生,男性435人(55.8%)、女性344人(44.2%)。本研究主要結果如下:青少年過去一年內至少有過一次自我傷害行為的比例為39.8%,最常使用的自我傷害行為類型為用拳頭捶打牆壁、割傷自己、咬自己到皮膚受傷、用拳頭打自己以及頭撞牆壁。其中,自我傷害頻率與衝動失控有關。不同自我傷害動機在心理分離個體化、情緒調節會呈現不同樣貌。同時各種自我傷害行為類型也會受到心理分離個體化、情緒調節與自我傷害動機不同程度的影響。而透過心理分離個體化、情緒調節可以有效解釋自我傷害行為的有無。最後,情緒調節為心理分離個體化、自我傷害行為的部分中介變項。研究者根據本研究結果進行討論,並對青少年輔導與後續研究方向提出建議以供參考。This study aimed to explore the relation of adolescent’s self-harm motivation, separation-individuation, emotion regulation and self-harm behavior. Investigate the status of Taiwan adolescent self-harm behavior. Understand the correlation between self-harm motivation and self-harm behaviors. Explore the impact of self-harm behavior among emotional regulation and individual-separation. Explore the mediating effect of emotion regulation on the association between separation-individuation and self- harm behavior. The study was based on questionnaires, and participants were 779 students from public high school, including 435 of male and 344of female.The main results were as follows : There are 39.8% of adolescent have attempted self-harm behavior once or more times within the past year, and the most commonly used type of self-harm behavior is banging the fist against the wall, self-cutting , self-biting, self-hitting and banging the head against the wall. Moreover, impulse of the emotion dysregulation correlated to self-harm behavior’s frequency. There were various representations of separation-individuation and emotion regulation depends on different self-harm motivations. Furthermore, there were various representations of separation-individuation, emotion regulation, and self-harm motivations depend on different type of self-harm behavior. Finally, separation-individuation and emotion regulation could successfully distinguish adolescent with self-harm from adolescent with no history of self-harm in the past1 year, emotion regulation partially mediates the relationship between separation-individuation and self- harm behavior. Lastly, based on the results of this research, the researcher discussed the implications for counseling adolescents and suggested possible research directions for future reference.自我傷害情緒調節心理分離個體化結構方程模式self-harmemotion regulationseparation-individuationstructural equation modeling青少年自我傷害動機、心理分離個體化、情緒調節與自我傷害行為之關係探索Explore the Relation of Adolescents’ Self-harm Motivation, Separation-individuation, Emotion Regulation and Self-harm Behaviors