劉克立黃舉富Chufu Huang2019-09-042005-6-302019-09-042005http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G0069270012%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/98469中文摘要 本研究旨在瞭解台北縣市高級職業學校機械科工場安全衛生教育成效,首先以文獻分析方式,探討機械科工場安全衛生教育概況及內涵,並蒐集相關問卷,進而編製「高職機械科工場安全衛生教育成效調查問卷」,並採分層叢集取樣抽取台北縣市高職機械科學生622人,經統計分析獲得結論如下: 一、學生在實習中曾經受傷331人(53%),顯示學生因實習受傷比率過 高。 二、三年級學生明顯比一年級與二年級學生在工場安全衛生認知表現 好。 三、三年級學生明顯比一年級學生在工場安全衛生態度傾向好。 四、三年級學生明顯比一年級學生在工場安全衛生行為表現好。This research aims at understanding the effect on shop safety and health education of mechanical engineering department in vocational senior high school in Taipei county. First of all, probe into the overview and intension on shop safety and health education of mechanical engineering department through analyzing with documents and collecting the relevant questionnaire, then draw up “The effect questionnaire on shop safety and health education of mechanical engineering department”.622 students of mechanical engineering department in vocational senior high school in Taipei county were selected by stratified and cluster sampling survey method, then obtained the conclusion as follow by statistical analysis: 1.There are 331 students (53%) ever injured in practical training, showed students’ injured rate in practical training is too high. 2.Students of grade three on the cognition of shop safety and health are obviously batter than students of grade one and two. 3. Students of grade three on the attitude of shop safety and health are obviously batter than students of grade one. 4. Students of grade three on the behavior of shop safety and health are obviously batter than students of grade one.高級職業學校成效工場安全衛生工場安全衛生教育vocational senior high schooleffectshop safety and healthshop safety and health education台北縣市高級職業學校機械科工場安全衛生教育成效之研究An Effect Study on Shop Safety and Health Education of Mechanical Engineering Department in Vocational Senior High School in Taipei County