田秀蘭Tien, Hsiu-Lan王啟仲Wang, Chi-Chung2023-12-082022-08-112023-12-082022https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/98e4873b3094f382b8e7fb4a60697bdb/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/119335父親在傳統家庭中的定位隨著社會型態而轉變,致使雙薪家庭儼然已成為最普遍的分工模式,但傳統家庭中仍然以女性擔任育兒的主要照顧者。本研究旨在探討全職父親參與育兒的親職經驗與兒童成長暨創造力發展之影響,藉由自身長達十年的親職經歷歸納為五個重要的發展階段:1.)醞釀期、2.)磨合期、3.)黑暗期、4.)轉變期、5.)成熟期五個階段,分別從個人、家庭以及社會 3 個面向以自我敘說還原其育兒過程及其紀錄。並以父親的視角觀察、審視兒童成長及其創造力之發展。當父親從傳統性別角色的刻板印象轉變為親子關係的溫暖推手,父親全職參與育兒不但創造了父親陪伴孩子的機會,也能讓孩子在成長過程中獲得更多的情緒調適及安全感,提升家庭的幸福感及自我成就。同時發現,家庭也如世界森羅萬象,循環與轉變也從家庭開始,人生就像是一連串的學習旅程。期以此親職經驗能夠更深度地去探討父親參與育兒的親職關係、家庭與兒童成長之間的種種關係及現象,進而發現更多兒童的需求與解決問題的方法。The position of fathers in traditional families has changed with social patterns, making the two-income family the most common division of labor, but women are still the primary caregivers of children in traditional families. The purpose of this study is to investigate the influence of full-time fathers' parenting experience on the growth and creativity of children, and to summarize their own decade-long parenting experience into five important developmental stages: 1.) incubation period, 2.) integration period, 3.) dark period, 4.) transformation period, and 5.) maturity period. The authors also observe and record their parenting process from the father's perspective. The father's perspective is used to observe and examine the growth and creative development of the child. When fathers changefrom the stereotype of traditional gender roles to the warmth of the parentchild relationship, full-time involvement of fathers in parenting not only creates opportunities for fathers to be with their children, but also enables children to gain more emotional adjustment and security in the process of growth, and enhances family happiness and self-fulfillment. At the same time, I found that families are just like the world, and the cycle and changes start from the family, and life is like a series of learning journeys. We hope that this parenting experience will enable us to explore in more depth the parenting relationship of fathers' participation in parenting, the various relationships and phenomena between families and children's growth, and to discover more about children's needs and solutions to problems.父親育兒父職角色兒童成長創造力father parentingparent rolechild growthcreativity全職父親參與育兒與兒童成長暨創造力之自我敘說Self-narratives of full-time fathers' participation in parenting and child growth and creativityetd