張家儒董貞吟2014-10-272014-10-272005-10-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/17747本研究旨在評估「校園音環境教學模組」對學生音環境覺知、態度及行為之成效。立意選取桃園縣各一所郊區及市區學校六年級學童為實驗組或對照組,研究樣本共 219 人,實驗組持續三週進行音環境教育課程,對照組則無教學介入,教學後並予後測評值教學成效,結果如下: 一、研究對象教學前之音環境「整體覺知」、「整體態度」及「整體行為傾向」均偏低,又以「整體行為傾向」最為缺乏。 二、教學介入後顯著增進研究對象之「整體覺知」及其「分辨覺知」,而「察覺覺知」較不明顯。 三、教學介入後顯著增進研究對象之「整體態度」、「感受態度」與「關切態度」,但「重要性態度」較不明顯。 四、教學介入後顯著增進研究對象「整體行為傾向」、「探索環境行為傾向」、「執行保護行為傾向」及「解決問題行為傾向」,而「整體行為傾向」及「探索環境 行為傾向」上,郊區實驗學校又較市區實驗學校及郊區對照學校表現佳。 五、整體課程學生多予正面評價,活動以偏向體驗及探索性質最讓學生印象深刻。 結果證實音環境教育對學生音環境覺知、態度及行動有正向效果,可供相關研究參考,未來更能透過整體營造校園音環境,增進音環境教育之效果。The purpose of this study was to assess the effect of the new “sound environment” education program devised for Taiwan’s elementary school students, and to analyze the procedure for evaluating the experimental group of students now in the new program. The study had a quasi-experimental design; the subjects were 2 6th-grade classes, one from a suburban school and one from a city school in Taoyuan. These students were non-randomly assigned to the treatment group [n = 108] and the control group [n = 111]; the treatment group received the intervention curriculum of 3 units for 3 weeks and the control group did not receive any treatment. Both groups took the pre-test and post-test and responded to the “school sound environment awareness, attitude and behavior ” questionnaire. The data were analyzed using Percentile Description, Chi-square, and two way ANCOVA. The results of the study are as follows: 1. Before the intervention, students showed little awareness, negative attitude and poor behavior about the sound environment in the school. 2. The “sound environment” education program could significantly increase the “Total Awareness,” “Organized Awareness,” “Total Attitude,” “Perception Attitude,” “Concern Attitude,” “Total Behavior Intention,” “Exploratory Behavior Intention,” “Resolving Behavior Intention” “Protection Behavior Intention” of elementary school students. In the categories of “Total Behavior Intention” and “Exploratory Behavior Intention” the treatment group from the suburban school was better than the control group. 3. Most students enjoyed and felt helpful about the “sound environment” curriculum and teaching method. The results of this research could provide a helpful frame of reference for the establishment of a more sound environment program for elementary school students, as well as for future studies in this field. In the future, we suggest that research on developing “ sound environments” be tied to research on intervention, in order to enhance the e音環境國小學童環境教育Sound environmentElementary school studentsEnvironmental education校園音環境教育的介入研究A Study of “Sound Environment” Education: Elementary School Students' Awareness, Attitude, and Behavior