羅基敏Lo, Kii-Ming林惟萱Lin, Wei-Suan2019-09-062015-07-282019-09-062015http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G0698900018%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/108301《費耶拉伯拉斯》是舒伯特第八部、也是最後一部完成的歌劇,因著先前累積的創作經驗與技巧,該劇亦是舒伯特最具規模與代表性的歌劇作品。然而,不論在19世紀還是今日,舒伯特的歌劇作品都未能獲得普遍的讚揚。即使經過1988年阿巴多指揮和2014年薩爾茲堡藝術節的製作演出,這部歌劇也未能重新獲得正面的評價與接受。舒伯特的歌劇作曲家身份,也因此遺失於人們的記憶之中。這個情況令人不禁要問,《費耶拉伯拉斯》究竟是被歷史忽略的大師之作,亦或,作品本身存在著某些本質性問題?本論文嘗試自費耶拉伯拉斯誕生的背景,劇本的形成、音樂戲劇的建構以及後人的接受,來解答上述的問題。透過這些檢視,可以解釋《費耶拉伯拉斯》的歷史地位,何以演變成我們今日對它的認知。Fierrabras is the eighth and the last completed opera by Franz Schubert. Composed with accumulated composing experiences and techniques, Fierrabras is generally recognized as the most representative and the largest opera by Schubert. However, neither in the 19th century nor today has Fierrabras received general acclamation. Even two performances conducted by Claudio Abbado in 1988 and the latest production of Salzburger Festspiele in 2014 did not bring this opera much positive recognition. Schubert’s status as an opera composer is therefore consigned to oblivion. This situation makes researchers ask if Fierrabras is a diamond in the rough, namely a neglected masterpiece in the history, or, if this opera does have certain problems per se. To answer these questions, this thesis takes a closer look at the background of the creation of Fierrabras, the formation of its libretto, the construction of its music for drama and its reception from the later generations. Those examinations will lead to the explanation why Fierrabras’s historical position turned out to be such as we perceive nowadays.舒伯特歌劇德語歌唱劇英雄浪漫歌劇費耶拉伯拉斯Franz SchubertOperOperaSingspielHeroisch romantische OperFierrabras歷史的遺珠?-觀舒伯特的歌劇《費耶拉伯拉斯》Neglected Masterpiece in History? Schubert's Opera Fierrabras under the Microscope