黃明月林宜嫻Lin Yi Shian2019-08-292005-02-012019-08-292005http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G0069102014%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/92017中文摘要 已過學齡的國中中輟生漸漸成為國中補校的主要就學族群,其學習經驗及學習需求與其他國中補校學員之異質性大,而對於就讀補校之國中中輟生的特殊安排與規劃相關資料卻甚為稀少,植基於此,本研究的主要目的在探討就讀國中補校之國中中途輟學學生的課程需求,藉由歸納其中輟的原因、就學動機與目的,來深入探討其課程的需求與偏好,以作為國中補校教學及課程安排與調整之建議。 本研究首先就相關的文獻分析就讀補校之國中中輟生的特質、中輟原因、課程及需求理論與研究,作為研究的理論基礎。以深入訪談的方式,從宜蘭縣就讀補校之國中中輟生中選取六位符合研究對象條件的學員作為訪談對象,進行資料蒐集與分析,而後將訪談的資料逐字謄稿、分類、歸納並請專家評閱後,依據研究發現做出結論與建議。 研究結論共可分為兩大方面: 一、 就讀補校之國中中輟生過去中輟原因及其課程需求 (一)、在中輟原因方面 1、學習經驗不佳,容易使國中學生失去對學校的熱忱 2、缺乏支持與溫暖的學習環境是促使國中學生容易中輟的因素之一 (二)、課程需求 1、需要老師教導有效的學習方法與策略 2、需要活潑、多元且適性化的教學方法及評量方式 3、需要老師協助其建構學習資源網絡 4、需要重要他人的肯定與支持,獲得他人認同 二、 就讀補校之國中中輟學生的就學動機及其課程需求 (一)、在就學動機方面 1、就學因素以繼續升學及習得工作技能為主 2、希望能改變到處玩樂、日夜顛倒的生活習慣,重新適應一個規律的學生生活 (二)、課程需求 1、需要能結合其生涯發展任務之學習課程 2、需要與未來升學相銜接的課程 3、希望的課程是可以培養工作基本技能 4、需要升學及職業輔導 茲對上述研究結論,本研究提出建議如下: 一、對學校的建議 (一)、暢通補習進修教育的升學管道 (二)、開設適性及彈性空白課程,適應學生個別差異,落實適性選課 (三)、充實教學設備,提供教師使用,以促進教學活潑化 (四)、開放圖書館,強化圖書設備,並且提供學生活動空間 (五)、學校可與企業進行建教合作,共同培養學生職場之基本知能 二、對教師的建議 (一)、輔導學生建立「個人學習計劃」,增進學生學習動機 (二)、教師相互討論交流教學經驗、分享教學活動設計 三、對教育行政機關的建議 (一)、定期舉辦補校座談研討會,了解各校處理國中中輟生的經驗及需要的協助 (二)、研訂學分認證制度、放寬學分修習規定,提高學生學習意願 (三)、研訂補校專業輔導輔導制度,規劃編制專業輔導人員 (四)、辦理補校教師在職訓練課程,積極鼓勵補校教師參與成人教育教師研習活動,提升專業素養及輔導知能The study of the curriculum needs of the junior high dropouts in the junior high supplementary schools Abstract Junior High school dropouts, who are over their schooling ages, are becoming the major studying groups in the junior high supplementary schools. These dropouts have large differences from other students in learning experience and learning needs, but there are few special arrangements and programs for them. According to such situations, the purpose of this study is to understand the curriculum demands of the drop-out students, and by analyzing the reasons why students drop out from schools, the motivations of learning and the intentions of returning to the junior high supplementary schools, this study is able to explore the curriculum demands and provide the concrete suggestions for the curriculum design. First, this research is to analyze the relative researches and theories about the characteristics of the drop-out students, the reasons they left junior high schools, the assessments of curriculum and requirements as the fundamental theory of this research. This study has adopted the qualitative research approach conducted in-depth interviews with six subjects of different drop-out students from the adult extension programs in the I-lain Junior High Supplementary Schools. According to the data analysis of the interviews, the findings and the recommendations for educational administrators and adult education educators are as follows: The conclusions contain two aspects: 1. The reasons why those dropouts left junior high schools and what kind of the curriculums they need (1).The reasons of dropping out from schools A. The poorly learning experiences put the students lose the studying enthusiasm. B. Lacking of supporting, encouraging, and temperate leaning condition made the students easily dropout. (2).Curriculum demands A. It is required that the teachers can offer effective learning methods and strategies. B. The teaching techniques and learning evaluations have to be flexible, diversifiable and appropriate. C. It is needed that teachers help construct the learning resources and supporting networks. D. It is required to enhance support from significant others and promote self-identification. 2. The drop-out students’ learning motivations and intensions of returning to the junior high supplementary schools and their demands on the curriculums. (1).On the aspects of learning motivation and purposes A. The main factors of learning motivation are to continue their unfinished education and to learn the working skills. B. Hope to change the idle life and readapt the regular school life. (2). Curriculum needs A. Need to connect with the life-development mission. B. Need to link to the advanced education. C.The working skills need to be trained. D. Need the counseling of advanced to higher schools and obtaining employment. In accordance with the conclusions above, there are some concrete suggestions provided below: 1. For the junior high supplementary schools: (1). Flow the extension education. (2). Offer suitable and flexible curriculums, to meet different students’ needs and let the selection individually. (3). Fill with the teaching techniques for the educators to use in the learning situation. That could make study more lively and conversant. (4). Enhance the accessibility equipments. (5).Schools may cooperate with the companies to train up working knowledge and skills. 2. For the educators: (1).Help students plan the “personal learning projects”, so that to promote their learning motivation. (2). Share the experiences of teaching and the program designs. 3. For the Bureau School administrators: (1). Maintain the discussions regularly with the junior high supplementary schools to meet the needs of the dropouts. (2). Build up the credit system to increase the learning will. (3). Build up the counseling system and organize professional development counselors. (4). Provide the educators professional growth programs, encourage the educators to participate in advanced studies, to improve the professional knowledge and counseling skills.國中補校國中中輟課程需求the junior high supplementary schoolsjunior high dropoutsthe curriculum needs就讀補校之國中中輟生課程需求的探究─以宜蘭縣為例The study of the curriculum needs of the junior high dropouts in the junior high supplementary schools